I know a lot of Legionnaires are writers and bloggers themselves, and do a lot of work we should all be following. As far as I know, the only place these writers have on the site to plug their work is the "What are you blogging about this week?" thread.

Well, here's another: The "Publisher News" element on the left side of the front page is open to everyone (I think. If not, let me know.) You can list your latest opus there -- a headline that is linked will do -- or any other project you want to crow about. Yes, it says "Publisher News," which I'm trying to change, but I honestly can't find where to do it. It says "Hot Topic" in the drop-down menus, because I was able to find that one! Eventually they'll jibe (as "Hot Topic" or something else), probably when we move to Ning 3.0. But let's not wait! Y'all brag on yourselves tout de suite!


Y'all know I post the "This Week in Comics" every week, and sometimes I'm afraid it isn't useful enough to engage most of you. (I think Jeff of Earth-J and The Baron take turns patting me on the head.) So one thing I'd like to do is offer to all and sundry that any book or series you tell me you're following, I'll be sure to highlight in "This Week" to help remind you that your fave is about to ship. That should be especially useful for miniseries and short-run, high-quality Image series. But heck, if you want me to highlight Batman every month, I'll do it.

And if there's anything else I can do to make the list more useful to you (I'm looking at YOU, person reading this!), fire away. I put a lot of work into it, and if it's not useful, I can put that time into something else.


I restored the calendar function on the left side of the home page about a month ago, and filled out what I knew about through, I think, first week of May. I'll soon go in and update through another month or two.

What I add is the stuff I keep up with, like the genre movie premieres, genre TV debuts, and the beginning of important Marvel/DC crossovers. Of course, you may have different interests, and if you do, let me know and I'll try to add them.

Or, alternatively, YOU can add them! Yes, the calendar is also open to all (I hope I set it right), so go ahead and add anything you find important. Going to a convention? Add it, so others can consider showing to meet you. Birthdays? Why not. Book getting published? By all means!

It's your site, folks, so feel free to use it to the max!

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  • Well, if you want "This Week in Comics" suggestions, I've been liking the return of the MIlestone lineup at DC -- Icon, Static, and Hardware. And I'm happy to have Batman: The Adventures Continue, set in the world of the classic Paul Dini animated series. Although I often complain that Bruce Wayne has been written out of the Batman titles, and this series hasn't found any room for him either, it still gives me a better, more satisfying Batman than what's in the mainstream titles. 

    I'm also liking Batman '89, set in the world of the Tim Burton movie, and mostly liked Superman '78, although I thought the art in that one was subpar (which has been a problem for most of these comics continuing the movie stories). 

    Oh, and I'm giving a try to the latest iteration of She-Hulk, which seems to be starting over from whatever happened in her last series, which I never saw (and am probably better off that I haven't).

  • "And if there's anything else I can do to make the list more useful to you, fire away. I put a lot of work into it, and if it's not useful, I can put that time into something else."

    Apropos that, I personally never read the preview pages you post. My primary interest is to learn what's shipping in a given week. By the time it ships, I've already pretty much made up my mind whether to get it or not, and have never been swayed one way or another by a preview, either in print or online. Either I'm not interested and don't read it, or I plan to buy it anyway and don't read it. If those are time-consuming for you to post, I'd rather make your job easier than harder. Maybe I'm the odd man out. Maybe others love those previews. I don't know, but here's the perfect chance to weigh in, one way or the other. 

    I'll come back here with further comments or suggestion if I thing of anything else. 

  • I could always put all the information I get on the monthly solicitations, which I've begun posting again.

    And CK, sadly none of the books you mention are shipping 4/20 (so far). But I'll keep an eye out for them weekly.

  • And here I've been using Everything/Nothing to promote my books!

    I attend Penguicon next week. It's the first time in three years it's operated in the real world, and it's my first time as a "Guest" instead of just a "presenter."


  • Thanks for the reminder!

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