
  • My first thought was "Oh, no!" But then I read about it: Produced by R.T.D. and Julie Gardner, written by R.T.D., possibly to star John Barrowman. Suddenly, it sounds great. Then I remember "But this is Fox!" and it goes from great down to just good. Leave it to Fox to mess up a great thing before it even airs.
  • I smell Torchwood/Fringe crossovers...
  • My first thought was, "Yeah, because the U.S. version of Doctor Who worked out so well."

    I've only just begun watching Torchwood (seven episodes in) and I'm struck by how different it is in comparison to American television. A show like that would never fly in America. It's encouraging the RTD is on board, but I'm afraid they'd have to eviscerate what makes it unique to play to delicate American sensibilities.
  • Jeff of Earth-J said:
    My first thought was, "Yeah, because the U.S. version of Doctor Who worked out so well."

    I've only just begun watching Torchwood (seven episodes in) and I'm struck by how different it is in comparison to American television. A show like that would never fly in America. It's encouraging the RTD is on board, but I'm afraid they'd have to eviscerate what makes it unique to play to delicate American sensibilities.

    Delicate?! Have you seen any of those CSI shows?
  • Last week's Criminal Minds was very creepy.
  • Fox will probably order 13 episodes and air 8 of them.
  • Delicate?! Have you seen any of those CSI shows?

    Yeah, but there's a perceived difference between graphic violence and graphic sex.

    Fox will probably order 13 episodes and air 8 of them.

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