Just saw it on CBR.
It looks like Warner Bros. will try and jumpstart their film franchises...again. Taking a page from Marvel's book, a possible Superman/Batman film might be forthcoming?
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Geez. This might be a bigger deal than Disney buying Marvel as far as affecting the comics directly. Without Levitz, does Didio's role change?
I agree that the potential is there. They seem to be going out of their way to emphasize continuity on the comics side, though, so I'm not too worried. Three of the upcoming projects mentioned in the press release originated with Vertigo, which is a good sign from my perspective.
Yeah, the Disney/Marvel thing didn't faze me at all. But this? I'm crossing my fingers and wishing good luck to them. And good luck and thanks to Levitz, too, for steering the ship for so long.
You may have heard that Paul Levitz will be once again adding his considerable talent, drive and creativity to our ever expanding universe as a regular DC Comics writer.
So, what’s his first writing assignment?
Paul is returning to the title he made great as both a writer and editor, ADVENTURE COMICS, and with his eyes set to the future, he brings several of his favorite characters with him. ADVENTURE is the first in a number of projects, both ongoing and mini-series that Paul will be taking on as he joins of our list of top notch creators here at DC.
As Executive Editor, and as a fan, I can’t wait for him to get started.
A trick o' the boards... you started posting yours before I started posting mine, but I finished first. So mine was up first -- briefly... until you finished yours and it was inserted into its order (by when a poster beginsto write, rather when he hits Save). And I didn't notice yours until it was too late (by one minute) to edit mine...
I don't like losing the last of the fan/creators from the DC helm. If she's been heading up the animation to DVD division, I'm hoping that Bruce Timm and Paul Dini have her ear.
I agree that the potential is there. They seem to be going out of their way to emphasize continuity on the comics side, though, so I'm not too worried. Three of the upcoming projects mentioned in the press release originated with Vertigo, which is a good sign from my perspective.
You may have heard that Paul Levitz will be once again adding his considerable talent, drive and creativity to our ever expanding universe as a regular DC Comics writer.
So, what’s his first writing assignment?
Paul is returning to the title he made great as both a writer and editor, ADVENTURE COMICS, and with his eyes set to the future, he brings several of his favorite characters with him. ADVENTURE is the first in a number of projects, both ongoing and mini-series that Paul will be taking on as he joins of our list of top notch creators here at DC.
As Executive Editor, and as a fan, I can’t wait for him to get started.
-Dan DiDio
Hey...didn't I just post that?! ;)