...Age ( Or , as with all of this , SUB-" Age " !!!!!!!!!!! ) Age of Batman , named by me after Irv Novick and Frank Robbins , might be considered as that period after DC cut down to totally eliminated what maight be seen as the Camp Era trappings...But before the " O'Adams "-ized Batman that we think of as the " trye Bronze Age Batman " really came into full use .

  The NovFrank Batman was a kind of " sensible " Batman , tending to work out in the open and fight relatively routine criminals , though not dropping the traditional Bat-Rogues entirely , as the first couple years of O'Adams did .

  The NovFrank Batman rather tended to drop in topical/contemporary cultural references as backgrounds/side issues to stories , rather , perhaps , in the manner of a continuity newspaper strip more than a traitional " comic book " - which of course was Frank Robbins' main employment at that time , his strip Johnny Hazard .

  Now , conversely , when did the " Camp " Batman , so traditionally shuddered at by Fandom Assembled , really start in the , actual , comic book stories ??????? CampBat was itself a successor to/modification of the " New Look " Batman , who was much beloved by FA then and pretty definitely kicked off with Julius Schwartz's first issues of BAT- and 'TEC .

  It appears that the cover-dated December 1969 issues of BAT-/'TEC wrote out Robin's full-time partner status...

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  • ..., which on , perhaps , the most obvious definition of the O'Adams-ized Batty . A couple issues after that , Wayn Manor/the Batcave/most Bat-gimmicks were written out , and Bruce and Alfred moved to a penthouse inside of the urban part of Gotham , atop a Wayne Corporation/Founation building . I do remember that one O'Nel/Adams story in particular is seen as really " starting " the artistic approach of the O'Adams era , what we think of...
  • I grew up on Irv Novick's Batman (and Flash) and think he did a great job. He gave a hint of Adams' style especially when Dick Giordano inked him. Obviously Adams wasn't staying long so Novick was dependable with a great sense of composition.

    I know some people disliked Frank Robbins on Batman and he never quite "got" Batman artistically but he wrote some wonderful stories and gave us Man-Bat. However I loved his artwork on Captain America, the Invaders and even the Shadow. He's under-rated in my book.

  • Frank Robbins is an acquired taste. I had to go a lot of growing up before I could appreciate his work.
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