- I have moved to Patterson/the Modesto area, in Stanuslaus County, CA. I tried to look up comic shops in here, all in Modesto proper I believe, on Yelp...all the tech I have now are various low-end phones (I'm putting off larger purchase still I've settled down), and I don't think I am a Yelp member on any of them - these phones come so pre-packed with apps that I can only fit in Messenger and (free) Pandora without running out of space - But, anyway. There were some facts about comics shops I could find here it seemed that - two?? - three?? stores describe d that I could find, plus one listed as a " Books " first, comics after that...and one comics shop still listed that was out of business now! You read the headline which sums it up, yes. I am handicapped (I walk with a crutch. I have been insurance-approved for an electric wheelchair/cart of some sort - I might need it sometimes - including, incidentally, if I ever go to big convention again, I've thought I'd need one for protection & carrying stuff.). There's no standard public transportation up here, there is s Paratransit-type thing I am eligible for, but I've yet to set things up. Before you suggest ' Go to every one and decide which one..." Um, in my last Santa Cruz days I went on rather on a spending spree on comics shop, now all neatly boxed up in the closet behind me - I have planned for an " Emerkeith Reads...' ongoing thread or maybe more to make use of some of the collections I've bought - but anyway, my baby spending on funnybooks stuff recently Has To Stop. So, tempting myself with ' get-aquainted " visits to several different ones...That's not to say I won't go around and try out, but...
...So. Ya getsk th' indeer, non?
This is the comic shop locator from Diamond's site. Just put in your new zip code and it will give you local comic shops.
This is the comic shop locator from Diamond's site. Just put in your new zip code and it will give you local comic shops.
Iou...Thank you! That's just basic facts, methinks??...I've always meant to use it, bluntly, to see if the not-that-practical comics shops in the US (and Canada too. I guess) if there are entire states (provinces) without any CSd...Perhaps they keep it to "Search A Zip Code " for just that reason, avoiding being a Debbi Downer!Seeing Publisher's Statements in modern times (This century millennium) (Um. maybe they're not run anymore?), even for the Big Two...has made me think that entire lesd-populated states might boast less than 50 (perhaps CONSIDERABLY less) copies per state... Mr. Cheerful, eh? You're never fully dressed without a smile:-)...