I love Wolverine: First Class because it takes me back to the tail end of "my" era of the X-Men. Of course this also means I'm hypersensitive to errors that creep in. For instance, in #15 as Kitty harangues Logan incessantly, one of the things she says is, "I should have listened to Jean! She told me to ask Scott!"
Whooooaaa, Nellie!
Kitty came into the X-Men immediately after Jean was (first) killed on the moon, and Kitty had gone on to Excalibur long before Jean got better and rejoined.
So who is running around impersonating Jean during this issue?
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Wolverine: First Class isn't part of the same continuity, is it?
While it's written as family friendly as a book about a guy with six knives jutting out of his knuckles can be, It's not a Marvel Adventures book, and I haven't read anything that says it isn't in continuity. Every other story makes reference to events that happened in continuity, like the trip to the island Magneto raised.
She knew Jean, though, right? Her first appearance was in 129, even though she didn't join until 139. Jean died in 137, right?
The context of the discussion is in the present. She's asking for a specific favor right now, and telling Logan that she should have followed Jean's advice. So while she did indeed meet Jean in her first appearance, it can't be what she's referring to here.
Rob Staeger said:
Mephisto did it.
That's the kind of logical, clear thinking I was looking for!
I wasn't able to find a definitive answer on Marvel's website. It does look, however, that the "First Class" stories are supposed to be on the main Marvel-Earth (616).
While it's written as family friendly as a book about a guy with six knives jutting out of his knuckles can be, It's not a Marvel Adventures book, and I haven't read anything that says it isn't in continuity. Every other story makes reference to events that happened in continuity, like the trip to the island Magneto raised.
Or: Mephisto did it.
The context of the discussion is in the present. She's asking for a specific favor right now, and telling Logan that she should have followed Jean's advice. So while she did indeed meet Jean in her first appearance, it can't be what she's referring to here.
Rob Staeger said:
That's the kind of logical, clear thinking I was looking for!
Oh, wait.. I think I get ya.
Stick with Mephisto. He won't steer ya wrong.