This should go onto the omnibus ME-TV line , but the machine in the mess/TV room in the facility/physical rehab place I am in , has Net Nanny on it !!!!!!!!! (Great...I'm 54 , and distinctly in the " Younger Generation " here .) (oh , and I guess it's a DIAL-UP!!!!!!! connection !!!!!!!!!)
Now it seems to have declared the whole line " Provocative " and a no-no . As it declared the " Dobie Gillis " line to be NG . So . Here .
I saw ME's WONDER WOMAN (SPOILERS) ep tonite . Gary Morris and Gray Crosby were guest stars .
Morris was a sinister headquarters villain , perhaps having fun being able to do that . I couldn't recognize Crosby ~Later?? on he was to qrite a rather strongly criticizing memoir of his father , then backed down from said memoir , at least in part . On YT I've seen pics of him from the early 1950s , when he cut a couple of duet pop singles with his father (Which I think were , more or less , his father's last chart hits ~ Until his very-very last one , the mid-1950s " True Love " " duet " with Grace Kelly) .
Diana went undercover as a master burglar , to catch Morris and his team (rather accented employer of Morris) , who wanted to steal a sarpococous(SP!!) of Queen Nertiti that had been boosted - um , stolen - from the British Museum .
At one point , DP's undercover credentials as the criminal she's pretending to be are backed up by an African-American ex-con she'd shared a cell in Huntsville with...Who in a rather Bob Haney-esque plot device , turns out to be a Diana's agency agent disguised with stick-on plastic all over her face !
She's still an A-A under the plastic . As I suppose custom would not allow her to be anything else but .
At one point , seeing WW's hair up front made me think of my , previous , " Ronnie Spector/Amy Winehouse " comparison though I don't think her headband was off or her eye makeup a little perhaps overheavy , as I said before was what brought that comparison to me .
WW displays the ability to " talk to " guard dogs , and convince them to stay entirely immobile , as if asleep . When sneaking into the would-be robbery spot/related to prove her credentials/get some info , the Magic Lassoo can work on one of the goo guys , the guard , even " post-hypnotically " , as she orders him to forget that WW was here .
I thought " Mightn't that get him into trouble ??? " but I suppose the breakin was never discovered , so...
The WW series made such a large use of WW displaying her powers doing various kinds of Daring Leaps , including in this episode a backwards leap , upside down in her WW tight diving suit out of the water .
How were these pulled off ? Could there have been some use of a double who , not really as model-like as Linda Carter and not in high heels etcetera , had the WW costume and a body shape more like LC Rotoscoped upon her in the developing process ?
When I headline-saw about Tracy Morgan's accident (And my sympathies to all especially the dead + injured of course .) , frankly , I rather assumed that Tracy himself was at the wheel...perhaps he knew his own limitation (& had some $)...he was in a chauffeured limo of course...
...Yes , physical rehab/whaatevah - The same thing , really , as the " hospital stay " I've posted about previously...
I don't remember your talking about a hospital stay.
Hope you're out of rehab soon.
...Late last year , thank you .
And there's been somewhat more of them/the continuing :-( condition they - attempt to - allay than I have tended to post about here .
I saw SHADOW OF THE CAT on Svengoolie too , new to me I thought it might be (missing the absolute opening company/distributor title , if Universal's , something a bit of a " British programmer " that (Definitely not saying that it was bad !!!!!!!!!) missed Stateside theaters and only reached the Yanks when it eventually made th' toob here - However , a Universal credit was in the actual film itself at the end of it , so I suppose it must've made Bijous in the States .
More on the film itself , not its distribution/ownership , later on !!!!!!!!!
They did use stunt doubles and a lot of low camera angles. Hard to see back then on my nine inch black and white screen, easier to spot now with dvd flat screen resolution.
...I again cannot access the main ME line because of the Net Nanny here .
Worse ~ I saw both THRILLER and ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR last nite , but Wikipedia doesn't offer full details on the plots/premises of all AHH hour esisodes :-( !!!!!!!!!!!
They've been running Dragnet, Emergency, Adam-12... All staples of my viewing habits as a kid. Later on when Wonder Woman debuted I always wanted to her team up with Friday and Gannon or Reed or Malloy.
I understand that you're using a library computer. This article about net filtering should interest you. Apparently the way it's supposed to work an adult can ask to bypass the filtering on library computers:
Emerkeith Davyjack said:
...Thank you . I'll see .
Richard Willis said:
...Last night's WW (all I was up to watching) had Diana going after another peculiarly-accented villain , Cagliostro , a descendant of the historical Cagliostro (Who I just looked up and saw was a real person) whom , much like Great-Great-Great (etc.) Gramps , was attempting alchemy , actually pulling it ofbf! , turning lead into gold but only for a limited time , after which it became lead again .
He was swindling an OPEC prince , getting him to buy the " real " gold , which would cause him to raise his kingdom's oil prices , which would start mass inflation (You mean there wasn't much of it already in the Seventies ???)...Cag. and his henchmen had bizarre helmet hair , not commented on , including his little person assistant , who also displayed a Doctor Who-style " forehead displays your alien-ness " dress sense .
Was the WW series , if over quasi-military groups , now in love with (rather European-looking) " Arab "/oil-land monarchs ?????
Male-female busking/begging mimes , rather made up like the Joker's Daughter in that Teen Titans cover at the top of Chris's latest TTs article , are henchpersons of the villain ~ Was thhs before " everybody " began the whole " I hate mimes " thang ? :-) ~ and can knock out & hypnotize one of the good guys with just a blow of a magic powder .
Whenever mimes are discussed, I think of this Bloom County sequence (there was an arrest and a trial). Not sure when it originally was printed.
Emerkeith Davyjack said: