HeroClix War Machine -- Nice, and a powerful playing piece to boot!
FCBD Iron Man -- Daughter selected this.
FCBD DC Kids -- Daughter selected this.
FCBD Bongo Comics -- Both my daughter AND my wife got one. They didn't realize the other also picked it!
FCBD G.I. Joe -- Really nice story that's a prelude to Larry Hama returning to the Marvel-era version of the Joeverse. I'm kinda excitd about this!
The Lone Ranger Vol. 2 -- (30% off) Tried an issue of this a few weeks ago, and love artist Sergio Cariello. Good action!
Girls Vol. 1 -- (30% off) The Luna Bros. story was selected by the wife. She didn't know that I had been eyeing the title for years now. Ha-Ha-Ha!
Power Girl 7, 8, 9 and 11 -- Somehow I got all mixed up what issues I had and didn't have and missed these. Read through them all while waiting for daughter at her Aikido lesson.
At the equally lovely Comix Connection (York store), I picked up:
Deathlok Eaglemoss figurine -- (20% off) I love Deathlok. I'm even gonna buy the upcoming Wolverine issue(s) that feature him. This little lead figurine is awesome. Can't wait to read the "history of" magazine.
Hellcat Eaglemoss figurine -- (20% off) While I wasn't totally thrilled with the recent Hellcat mini, I still like the character. It's neat that while all the yellow of her costume is painted with flat paint and her gloves, cowl and boots are glossy. Makes 'em look like leather. Nice pose for her as they made it look like she's checking her nails.
FCBD Iron Man/Nova -- I like Nova, but I've never gotten into his new series. Oh well, I like Nova enough to get a free book with him!
FCBD Green Hornet -- It's about the only pulp-themed book I saw, so I figured I'd give it a try.
FCBD Love & Rockets -- Never read this, but it's so well loved I wanted to give it a try. Plus it might serve as an intro to a trade I picked up a while back but haven't read. We'll see.
So what did you get?
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So the free ones I got:
Weathercraft and Other Unusual Tales by Jim Woodring and Fantagraphics. This has insane art. Recommended by my LCS
Love and Capes #13 by Thom Zahler and Maerkle Press. I bought a few issue at a Wizard World a few years ago and really liked it, so i was glad to see this. I didn't know he had a regular publisher now.
The Stuff of Legend/City of Bones flip book by Th3rd World Studios. Solely on the recommendation of my LCS
Doctor Solar & Magnus Robot Fighter the new Dark Horse one. I flipped through it and it looks like Dennis Calero is using a much cleaner line than he used to for Doctor Solar.
Additionally, I picked up this weeks comics
12 issue of the '80s Firestorm series from the 50¢ boxes (I dig through those almost every time I go there)
Jon J Muth's graphic novelization of Fritz Lang's M, that was marked down.
The softcover of Marvel Masterworks The Avengers
& the Walking Dead Vol. 2
(in other words-- the nearest shop is forty five miles away, and Dolores is out of town with the car.)
Jason got: FCBD Iron Man, DC Kids, Bongo, Green Hornet, GI Joe, Sonic the Hedgehog, and the Fraggle Rock/Mouse Guard flipbook.I'll read his when he's done with them (with the exception of Sonic). I didn't know until today that Larry Hama wrote the G.I. Joe giveaway. That one's first.
I took my niece and nephew with us, but all they wanted was the Sonic book. Both are HUGE Sonic fans. I tried to get them to try others, but they weren't interested.
BTW...why is the DC Kids book smaller (in dimensions, not page count) than the other books?
My brother got GI Joe, Archie, and the Sixth Gun.
Thor/Iron Man - If more Marvel comics were like this, I'd presently get a lot more than zero Marvel comics. The Doctor Who comparison is apt. It tells a whole story in one go. A lot of the heart depends on understanding the characters well, and them behaving sympathetically. Clever nods to the real world we actually live in - Asian Tsunamis, Utopia projects. Great when the writers don't just fall back on some extant supervillain. This is definitely worth reading. Romita Jr is certainly the most interesting stylist currently working for Marvel. Anyone who didn't get this should try to get a gawp at it.
War of the Supermen - Not sure if I'm going to read this, as my reading of the Superman saga peters out around the middle of Johns and Busiek's runs. I'm sure I've absorbed most of the spoilers for the New Krypton saga by now though. One question - Has Joe Kelly's 'Our Worlds at War' version of Zod been mentioned at all? If not - hypertime!
IDW classic newspaper strips
Some lovely work in this.
Kids DC 2009 and 2010. - for my nephew!
Hellboy short stories. from FCBD 2008. 3 stories. In the first its a bad dream by Hellboy, but with great imagery. The 2nd seems to be a BPRD short, but I know nothing about that series so it was hard to follow.
Green Hornet. - a few pages from each of the GH series this company is currently flooding the market with. The Kevin Smith GH really stretches my willing suspension of disbelief by taking time to lecture a bunch of gangsters with guns from the hood of a car. Shoot him already! Also - someone should tell Wesley Dodds that the future GH has stolen his schtick!
Bongo Comics. SImpsons are always fun. Chuck Dixon is still working... The alternate Bart superheroes all team up.
I didn't want to take any others, as I wasn't buying anything in that particular shop on Saturday!
Just on Friday I noticed that my main LCS had, tucked away in their back issue drawers - Flex Mentallo #1-4 - the complete set! These are very hard to get, as Flex's origin is very like that old 'sand kicked in the face' comicbook advertisement, and the Charles Atlas company sued DC for using their copyright. So it may never be reprinted. I'm looking forward to covering it in the Grant 'Morrithon' thread. They were quite expensive, so I decided to wait until the sale on FCBD, but I got there very early. I was glad I did, as 10 minutes after I collected the 4 comics, someone else came along and lifted the remaining 3 issues of Flex Mentallo that were there..
I filled out some lines that I'd begun reading from this shop's 50c bins, as the rest of their back issues were 50% off. So I now have all but a dozen of the original run of Micronauts. These also don't look like being reprinted anytime soon.
I also got most of the last few issues I needed of Saga of the Swamp Thing 1-19, just before Alan Moore took it over. Looking forward to reading them all in order.
Then I went to shop #2, but they weren't having any of FCBD. This was a haven of quiet after the first shop. They did have a stack of Excalibur comics for $1 each. I'd already got the complete Cross-Time Caper for 50c each, but I was able to get most of Davis' first and second runs as artist and/or writer too, up to issue 50. I also got the Mojo Mayhem Excalibur collection (or maybe it was an Original Graphic Novel?) and Morrison's Vinamarama at 1/2 price.
In Shop #3 I got a free Blue Lantern Ring - compassion? and the heroclix War Machine. The first shop only allowed me to chose two FCBD comics and a large-sized all ages Iron Man collection, so I picked up a few more of the comics listed above.
Really excited about my now almost complete Micronauts and Davis Excalibur runs, but alas I still spent a small fortune.