Ok, how about this for an idea. We take it in turns to post a favourite (British spelling) comic cover every day. This went really well on the comic fan website that I used to frequent. What we tried to do was find a theme or subject and follow that, until we all got bored with that theme. I'd like to propose a theme of letters of the alphabet. So, for the remainder of October (only 5 days) and all of November, we post comic cover pictures associated with the letter "A". Then in December, we post covers pertaining to the letter "B". The association to the letter can be as tenuous as you want it to be. For example I could post a cover from "Adventure Comics" or "Amazing Spider Man". However Spider Man covers can also be posted when we're on the letter "S". Adventure Comic covers could also be posted when we're on the letter "L" if they depict the Legion of Super Heroes. So, no real hard, fast rules - in fact the cleverer the interpretation of the letter, the better, as far as I'm concerned.
And it's not written in stone that we have to post a cover every day. There may be some days when no cover gets posted. There's nothing wrong with this, it just demonstrates that we all have lives to lead.
If everyone's in agreement I'd like to kick this off with one of my favourite Action Comic covers, from January 1967. Curt Swan really excelled himself here.
Discussion and voting on future monthly themes takes place on the "Nominations, Themes and Statistics for A Cover A Day" thread. Click here to view the thread.
One of my favorite covers. The futuristic tech presages the original Star Wars in that it appears to have been cannibalized from scrap yards. Is that a stoplight near the space cowboy's right knee?
Following my post yesterday of The Life and Legend of Wallace Wood Vol. 1...
The Dial H For Hero Duo must battle the EVIL EIGHT comprised of Chondak, Ice King, Piledriver, K-9, Arsenal, Maniak, Phantasm and the Familiar, blessed with an awesome George Perez cover!
Even with today's more modern technology, sometimes artists complain about how their work looks printed. I have no idea how Wood might have felt on the subject but for everyone's consideration, the original pencil and ink version of JD's entry for today, courtesy of a later collection and the Grand Comics Database.
Wood's next known comic-book art did not appear until Fox's My Confession No.7 (August 1949), at which time he began working almost continuously on the company's similar My Experience, My Secret Life, My Love Story and My True Love: Thrilling Confession Stories. To say he was prolific was an understatement. During this time he inked stories for $5 per page, and sometimes inked 10 pages in a day.
THUNDER Agents #4 is my favorite Wood cover from Tower.
What gets me about this cover is the Iron Maiden trying to look demur when she'd be willing to stab Dynamo in the back the first chance she got.
A weird Wood from '69:
Eight issues reprinting the entire run of the comic strip were reprinted in 1990 by Eros Comics. (I have them filed alongside Howard Chaykin's Black Kiss.)
More recently, the entire run was collected in hardcover.
If seeing Wallace Wood draw topless and/or nude women is something you enjoy, then this is the series for you.
My favorite “underground” comic has always been Omaha the Cat Dancer. It is an anthropomorphic tale with cats, dogs and other animals presented as people. Reed Waller did the art for the entire series and he was very good. Kate Worley scripted the entire series except the very end, which Reed scripted after Kate’s death.
I had only been able to pick up a few scattered issues over the years. This is a particular problem because it is an ongoing intelligently-written mystery/political story that weaves through the entire run. Sex is part of the lives of the characters but not their entire lives, much like real people.
I finally bought all eight TPBs, totaling 1,024 pages from Amerotica/NBM. Unlike the original comics, the cover art on these eight TPBs isn’t what you could read in public or in view of a kid. I recommend the series to anyone not easily offended who enjoys good writing and good artwork.