Absolute Power

12676051055?profile=RESIZE_400xI've gotta say, I really liked the Absolute Power Ground Zero Special. I decided to buy this, and the main Absolute Power series (minus the sub-series and the tie-ins) on paper, waiting for the secondary stuff to show up on DCUI. And so far, I'm a fan.

This book is broken into three stories, each co-written by Mark Waid. The first shows the Suicide Squad tracking and capturing Jon Kent's boyfriend, Jai Nakamura, the son of the recent president of the island nation of Gamorra. The next shows Amanda Waller coercing D-list time-travel villain Time Commander into helping her with her plans. The third shows Waller enlisting and securing the help of the Brainiac Queen, who first appeared in the recent crossover in the Superman books. 

As I've probably written, I've moved away a bit from the anti-Waller bandwagon; I feel like her time on Earth 3 is sufficient motivation for a heel turn for someone who was already skeptical of superheroes, and while not every writer will play her on what I feel his her new moral line--I think there are some things she still won't do, as she still has protection of regular (American) humans as one of her core motivations--I can blame that on the creators, not the character. I think Waid and Dan Mora (and this series) will do right by her, in general.

And Dreamer! I honestly love what's being done with her, because it's so surprising to me. She's DC's flagship trans character, and you'd think they'd be wanting to keep her untarnished, always choosing the right thing. That's what I'd expected from DC, and also from writer Natalie Maines, who obviously has a very personal stake in the matter. But she's a much more daring writer than I'd expected (as seen in Suicide Squad: Dream Team, which this follows up on), and is taking some pretty huge risks with Nia. And having such a conflict between her and Jai is honestly the best thing ever for both characters, as well as Jon (who hasn't had a lot of great character moments since he aged up during the Bendis run on the Super-titles). I think this facet of the story will have great benefits.

The Time Commander story was fun, and made me want to go back and read his last appearance, in Batman: Urban Legend. I hope to do that soon.

As for Brainiac Queen, my only regret is that I spoiled the end of the Superman books for myself for reading this. But I like Waller's devotion to raising/indoctrinating her, and it was presented well. Ultimately, these stories give Waller very different relationships with all of her main allies: Dreamer, Failsafe, Brainiac Queen, and Green Arrow. (Who knows what his deal is? But as has been pointed out elsewhere, he's expressed distrust for superheroes for longer than Waller's been around, so there's certainly precedent...though I'm hoping for better from him eventually.)

So bring on Absolute Power! I think this will be exciting as hell.

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  • Oh, feel free to talk about the end of Absolute Power! It's only the side issues I'm reading online; I bought the paper issue today!


    Oh, and Cap: The Huntress in JSA has been Helena Wayne, from approx 20 years in the future -- the daughter of Batman and Catwoman. But Bruce and Selina broke up, and her future is gone, and she'd been trying to make a place for herself here. (Though she found a new place in issue 11 of JSA.)

  • I don't know either (because I'm buying the periodicals), but they are being collected in the specials (two so far).

    But then I wouldn't get the main stories! I want it all!

    I checked out the back issues on MyComicShop, and they only have a couple of the lesser variants of issue #1 (like the blank one) for around $7.00. I don't want a blank $7.00 cover, but I'm considering it. I am NOT considering the $75.00 CGC-slabbed one. Jeez. I want to READ this 2023 book, you sleazy grifters. Maybe it's time to join Rob's Month Later Squad.

    The Huntress in JSA has been Helena Wayne, from approx 20 years in the future -- the daughter of Batman and Catwoman.

    Good guns! A second Huntress! It--uh--must be an illusion!

    Oh, feel free to talk about the end of Absolute Power


    The book starts very quickly – there’s a lot of ground to cover – but there’s still time for some character work, which is awesome.

    • Waller is shown to still be very protective of Brainiac Queen.
    • Damian snarks when Diana calls Steve her “friend.” (He was grossed out by their snogging in Wonder Woman #13.)
    • Nightwing is still in charge, which I assume will carry over to “All In.” He gives a very Dick Grayson-y Night Before the Battle speech. (Think Shakespeare’s Henry V.)

    It turns out that Green Lantern and Wally have returned from the Hall of Justice with intel on Gamorra—and Hal’s ring, fully charged. It’s implied that with Jadestone MIA, nobody’s coming for it.

    He has Batman use the mother box he stole from Waller to bring all the freed (but de-powered) superheroes together in a gigantic D-Day invasion of Gamorra.

    Well, all the heroes except Hal Jordan and Barry Allen, who are tasked with stopping whatever Waller’s got in her basement. (It’s a conduit to the multiverse, where Waller’s evil Leaguers are champing at the bit to come to our Earth and kill everybody.)

    They succeed in stopping anyone from coming over, with classic Hal and Barry team-up dialogue. The downside: The multiverse is closed off, and Barry has lost his powers. We learn this at the end, but there’s no reason not to tell you now. 

    And Batman and Ted Kord have a different task: Finding John Starr and creating a device to neutralize all the Amazos. I'm not sure how this ties into Arrow's search for John Starr tech but it must, somehow.


    So he wasn't a traitor. Green Arrow was working to betray Amanda Waller all along, but to do so, he had to be able to pass Amanda's mind-readers. So he had Martian Manhunter put a "telepathic patch" in his head where he would pass mind-readers as 100% on board with no plans to betray her. It was geared to time out at a specific time, after he had passed muster. J'onn was supposed to tell the others, but was captured and power-wiped too quickly. 

    Martian Manhunter's zinger came when Batman complained that Arrow's plan was fine in principle, but he should have told the others first. J'onn says to Batman, “You lecturing us about keeping secret plans is highly ironic.” Also, Arrow points out -- correctly -- that the Justice League didn't exist at the time. So who did he have an obligation to tell? And they weren't united and prepared when Waller came for them.

    This is a good point, one that should have been brought up ... oh, I dunno, when they dissolved the League in the first place. Which I thought was stupid at the time. Look, if the Big 7 don't want to League any more, you don't dissolve the whole organization -- you find substitutes who are committed to the team. Like the Avengers did in "The Old Order Changeth" almost 60 years ago. It was a monumental stupidity to just junk the whole organization. If nothing else, who was going to clean, maintain and guard the Hall of Justice? Not to mention pay the light bill. There's dangerous stuff in there, both physical weapons and everybody's secret identity. Then, you know, there will "come a day, a day unlike any other ..." Maybe Superman and Batman should have been reading Avengers, where they've already figured all this out. 

    So one of the big points of this series is that it IS stupid to dissolve the Justice League, which is how it leads into "All In," where basically the whole DCU is in the Justice League. I thought this had been tried before, but I don't remember enough to discuss it. Anyway, whether it's happened before or not, it's happening now.

    Also, I'd like to point out that if Arrow's plan became common knowledge among the supers, as soon as they were de-powered and captured, WALLER would know, thanks to her telepathic agents. It was really for the best for Arrow to keep the plan to himself and MM, who was somehow not telepathically interrogated.

    Or if he was, I'll accept that having native telepathy all his life would make him resistant to telepathic interrogation. Speaking of which, once again I will make my argument that J'onn and Miss Martian should have retained their native abilities, like telepathy and shapeshifting. Just like Aquaman should have kept his native ability to breathe water, having Atlantean DNA. 

    Just like Wonder Woman was able to play bullets and bracelets in Wonder Woman #13! The speed necessary to do this -- at least with small-arms fire -- is native to Themyscirans (ti’s part of their annual contests, after all), and was not stolen by Paradise Lost. (Nor can Amazos steal training, it appears.) What she wasn't able to do without her super-power was absorb the impact. Without her super-strength and invulnerability, the impact of the bullets was incredibly painful, even though they didn't penetrate her armor. She says "I may have broken my arms" before passing out. She evidently didn't, as she is OK by this issue. Or maybe the return of her powers healed her up quickly.

    I should also note that Waid doesn’t write this is a cakewalk. This is Waller, and she’s got all kinds of defenses, run by Sarge Steel. (Who, to my disappointment, was not a mole. Which means he should go down with Waller, and may be ruined for future use.) Most of the de-powered heroes go down.

    As I said, the Amazos and Waller's defenses stop most of the heroes. Nightwing and Jon are the only two to make it to Waller, but she’s ready, because she’s Waller. Falisafe starts strangling Nightwing, and Waller has kryptonite to stop Jon.

    Batman, Ted Kord and John Starr do make it to Failsafe’s lab, where they engineer the device to stop the Amazos. It activates the time-travel "healing" abilities of the Amazos (toldja that would be a plot point) to send them back to a time before they had absorbed all the super-powers. But it has to be attached to an Amazo to activate (which will then be broadcast to all of them, theoretically).

    However, they are stopped by the Amazos before they can activate the device. But the device is snatched up by ... Green Arrow, of course, who attaches it to an arrow and hits an Amazo. (“Heroes gotta hero.”) All the Amazos are deactivated, including Failsafe. And the super-powers are released to their original owners ... or into the wild, which will be a plot point in the upcoming "All In."

    In fact, we get a panel showing that Fire and Ice have switched powers, and Doom Patrol’s Beast Girl has somehow acquired Beast Boy’s powers. (She previously influenced people’s amygdalas.)

    Anyway Dreamer, as we all speculated, is not dead. She was pulled into Jon Kent's dream world at the moment of her death. And she was kept alive there, because "he dreamed of me constantly." So we were right, there's a romance on the horizon. All that’s left to spculate on is how Jon and Jay will break up. Probably won’t be pretty and he’ll probably end up a supervillain.

    Anyway, she emerges from the dream world I guess in a dream body? She’s physical, despite her original body dying in the Arctic, and finally gets to punch Waller in the face.

    But Waller points out that the world still hates the superheroes. Nightwing taunts her into Full Supervillain Monologue, which he was hoping for – he had Air Wave (“a human Wi-Fi”) broadcast her rant on every device and screen on Earth. So Waller goes to jail.

    Dreamer visits Waller in her isolation cell in, ironically, Belle Reve. Waller sneers that she will return, because she knows all the dirt on everyone, including the superheroes’ identities and headquarters. She’ll be back, she says.

    Nay, nay, says Dreamer, who taunts her by asking her to try to remember any of that. And she can’t. Dreamer has isolated those memories – she didn’t erase them, because Identity Crisis taught us that’s a no-no – she just put them sliiiiiightly out of reach. On the tip of Waller’s tongue.

    “You always complained about how squeaky-clean we do-gooders are,” Dreamer says. “Superman and his friends would never approve …

    “… if they knew.”

    She also implies that Waller has a brain-bomb, like Waller used on the Suicide Squad. Chances atre that’s not true, but it torments Waller just the same, because projection. It’s what she would do, so she’s terrified her enemies have done it to her.

    It ends with the Trinity confronting Arrow. They reluctantly forgive him. (Wonder Woman: “It is all we can do to resist the urge to break your arms.”) Then he points out that breaking up the team was one reason this all happened, so Batman shows him the plans for the new Satellite HQ …

    … to be continued in DC All In Special #1.

    OK, team, did I miss anything?

  • But then I wouldn't get the main stories! I want it all!

    Then your choices are either the tpbs and the specials (assuming the tpbs don't carry the back-ups) or the periodicals.

  • Some thoughts of mine on the Absolute Power wrapup (although I haven't read all the tie-ins yet). I loved this. I feel like this has been the most satisfying crossover event in years.


    I LOVED Dreamer’s resurrection, and her revenge. Perfect! And I can't wait for Jon to realize he'd rather be with her than wet-blanket Jay, and Jay going full villain as a reaction.

    In that vein, Waid seems to have mastered — or maybe insisted on — something that DC should pay more heed to: He’s taken people off the board WITHOUT KILLING ANYBODY. Waller’s in prison, her memories out of reach. Barry’s off the board too (so many Flashes!), but not dead — just depowered. Other heroes will have weird things happening to their powers, which may either set them aside or shine a spotlight on them. The closest we have to a death is Red Tornado, who is “perhaps irreparable,” I think is how it was phrased. That’s hardly gone for good…and may be setting the stage for an upgrade once Mr. Terrific or Ted Kord figures out what to do with him. Pieces get moved off the board…but no one needs to literally come back from the dead to re-enter the story. That’s smart.

    And finally, one more word about Waller. With regard to her forward progression, I got exactly what I wanted here. She went full villain (an inevitable characterization these days, but one i wasn't a fan of), was recognized as such, and then was locked up. She’s even robbed of the secrets that make her so dangerous. Which means, as the wheel turns… sometime in the future, when the memories of Absolute Power has been eclipsed by five or six other events, the heroes, or the US government, or whoever, might need her skills again. And put her back in play on the side of the tarnished angels, perhaps as a Hannibal Lecter figure at first. Which is where she belongs: Helping the good guys by doing dirty jobs.

  • I hadn't thought about how Waid avoided killing people. Now that you've brought it up, he did avoid the tropes that nobody buys any more. In a similar vein, he also closed off the multiverse, without doing a Crisis on Infinite Earths. He just said "it's closed" and it will be -- until it's not. That's a much better idea than destroying it, only to resurrect it later. 

    As to Dreamer, I think we all knew that DC's first transgender character wasn't going to be "killed" in the middle of a crossover, however temporary. We all knew she'd be back, and I think we more or less guessed how.  But it was, as you note, good to see -- after all the crap Waller put her through, she got to have the last word. That's a satisfying finish.

    And I've only read one story with Jay in it, and he did not impress. Won't hurt my feelin's none if he's the one that goes away.

    • Oh that's a good point about the multiverse -- it's another idea spared from the chopping block, but taken off the table nonetheless! 

      And good Grood, is Jay a dud. But I love having exes in serial storytelling, even goobers like Jay. Their relationship, once it ends, will give Jon a little more historical density. Sort of like how Gnaark used to be in the Teen Titans. I'm glad he's not hanging around now, but if there's ever a storyline where a connection to the neanderthal past would be useful, it's nice to know he's there waiting to be used as a story element. (And then tucked away again once the story ends, ideally.)

  • Okay, guys, you talked me into it. I saw online someone posted the scene from Absolute Power #4 showing Dreamer telling Amanda Waller how she made it impossible for Waller to access the secrets she knows, as well is inimating that something maybe possibly is implanted in her skull. Dreamer didn't say that, but let Waller draw that conclusion.

    A dig into the more-than-a-dollar bin at my friendly neighborhood comics shop* yielded me that issue, and most parts of the spinoff Absolute Power: Task Force VII, and I've been going all over town hither and yon searching for the set and the spinoffs and the crossovers (somehow, I can't find Absolute Power #3). 

    I am actually enjoying it. I shouldn't have let my bad memories of a failed series from decades ago pre-empt my enjoyment of a good series in the here-and-now. Mea culpa. I may be weighing in on this thread as a finish the different issues, as I did for Absolute Power: Origins, which got me started.

    * He's a struggling retailer, so he sells the back issues at cover price. I'm a longtime customer, so I forgive that.

  • I have been searching in comics shops all over my area and even in neighboring states (really) for the disparate parts of Absolute Power, including the spinoffs and tie-ins and even the "Countdown to Absolute Power" setup issues, something I haven't cared to do since Millennium left a sour taste in my mouth way back in 1988. Each time I find a piece, it makes me aware of another part I don't have.

    Like, I finally found Absolute Power #3 so I have all the parts of the main series, but I discovered Suicide Squad: Dream Team (like you, Cap, only issues #3 and #4), which has the oddball grouping of Clock King, Bizarro, Black Alice, Deadeye and Harley Quinn on a road trip in a van(!) to capture Dreamer. And each time I find pieces, I find myself starting over so I've read only half of it.

    I also have all seven parts of Absolute Power: Task Force VII, so I have more than enough to get going on reading it. Since the series wrapped a few months ago, I likely will never find all of the tie-in comics that were released before Absolute Power proper began. But I'm enjoying the hunt too much, also something I haven't since Secret Wars II left a sour taste in my mouth back in 1985.

    Maybe this weekend I'll just sit down with what I have and soak it in, and let you all know what I think.

  • But I'm enjoying the hunt too much...

    That's always been an important aspect of collecting.

  • Sounds like you're having fun, CK! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the books -- and on the chase!

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