I went to a garage sale yesterday and they had a box of comics for 10$. I didn't go through them very far but what I did see was that I didn't have most of them but also wouldn't be keeping any. I'd just read them and pass them on. I decided that 10$ was more than I wanted to spend for stuff I'd just give away but they were going to cut all prices in half at 2 o'clock and close at 3 o'clock. I thought that 5$ would be OK so I went back about 3 (a few minutes after, actually). I picked up the box of comics and a couple of toys and took it to the young lady at the front. Before I could even open my mouth, she said "How about a dollar?" A dollar? For everything? Including the toys? Wahoo!

Turns out that there were 100 comics and two comic-related magazines in the box. One of the magazines was an issue of Cracked which is why they were only mostly in color for a penny.

Most of it was stuff from the '90s and the '00s but there are three that are old enough to have some value. There's an issue of Huckleberry Hound that is just in marvelous condition. Detective Comics #333 has Robin trying to stop an elephant with a club while the elephant clutches Batman with its trunk. That one is "only" in good condition. World's Finest Comics #148 is in fine condition and features "Superman and Batman--Outlaws!" and has the WF team under fire from police.

It's not a collection of any great value but I'm going to enjoy reading them. A penny a piece was certainly a terrific price.

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  • That's a heck of a deal. Nice find.
  • Wow -- sweet deal!
  • You are my hero!
  • You should have brought her down to 50c. Where's your killer instinct?

    Seriously - good haul. Let us know if any of those 90s and 00s comics are worth another look. What will you read first? And what last?
  • I'm mostly going alphabetical, Figs, so I've read Actions Comics, Adventures of Superboy (based on the old TV series) and an issue of Adventures of Superman. Since it was at my desk, I've also already read that old issue of World's Finest.

    Funny thing, that. I've been reading a volume of Showcase Presents World's Finest and wondering what took up the rest of an issue once the main feature was done. Now I know. #148 had a Congorilla back-up and a pair of one-page funnies.
  • I love deals like that. At that price, there's always something worth keeping!
  • I used to go to yard sales all the time but now it's either recent books with too-high prices or older books in bad shape with too-high prices!
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