I didn't entirely get the intended construction of the jokes in the Sunday Bizzaro (Sp??) strip yesterday . ( The strip appars to be not online , as it is a King Features Syndicate strip , who - Gasp !!! - appear to think they're in the comics business to make money , and keep their strips behind a wall . )
The joke was " variations on ' I Love New York ' "...but was the panhandler's shirt supposed to be saying " I Owe New York " ?" I Have Zero , New York " ?
The yokel , in Middle Ages garb...Was his shirt suppost'a mean " I Love York " , as in the English county that New York was indeed named after ??? ( And Prince Charles is now considered the Duke of , if I recall correctly . )
The Dallas Morning News opted not to run the Sunday Doonesbury no fewer than five times leading up to the last Presidential election. (See previous page of this discussion.) I wrote two letters to the editor and recieved only an automated response each time. Even after the election, although I did not note it here, the News didn't run it on three separate occasions. I had a follow-up letter composed in my head but never sent it because I have given up. Today, instead of Doonesbury, was the following "Note to Readers":
In the interest of fairness and balance, we are no longer running Doonesbury in the Sunday comics section. You can find classic Doonesbury on our daily comics pages.
"Fairness and balance".
Some Cthuzpah.
I did send them another e-mail this morning. I told them "fairness and balance" is exactly why they should be running Doonesbury.
Years ago, before they became notorious, I thought I would check out FOX News. I was expecting another point of view, but not lies. The first (and last) thing I saw was a blonde asking a group on the street “are Democrats traitors or are they just stupid?”
Or, as J. Jonah Jameson would put it...