I didn't entirely get the intended construction of the jokes in the Sunday Bizzaro (Sp??) strip yesterday .   ( The strip appars to be not online , as it is a King Features Syndicate strip , who - Gasp !!! - appear to think they're in the comics business to make money , and keep their strips behind a wall . )

  The joke was " variations on ' I Love New York ' "...but was the panhandler's shirt supposed to be saying " I Owe New York " ?"  I Have Zero , New York " ?

  The yokel , in Middle Ages garb...Was his shirt suppost'a mean " I Love York " , as in the English county that New York was indeed named after ??? ( And Prince Charles is now considered the Duke of , if I recall correctly . )

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  • The Dallas Morning News opted not to run the Sunday Doonesbury no fewer than five times leading up to the last Presidential election. (See previous page of this discussion.) I wrote two letters to the editor and recieved only an automated response each time. Even after the election, although I did not note it here, the News didn't run it on three separate occasions. I had a follow-up letter composed in my head but never sent it because I have given up. Today, instead of Doonesbury, was the following "Note to Readers":

    In the interest of fairness and balance, we are no longer running Doonesbury in the Sunday comics section. You can find classic Doonesbury on our daily comics pages.


    • "Fairness and balance".

      Some Cthuzpah.

    • I did send them another e-mail this morning. I told them "fairness and balance" is exactly why they should be running Doonesbury

    • Years ago, before they became notorious, I thought I would check out FOX News. I was expecting another point of view, but not lies. The first (and last) thing I saw was a blonde asking a group on the street “are Democrats traitors or are they just stupid?”

    • Or, as J. Jonah Jameson would put it...


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