Lately, whenever I visit Comic Book Resources, one of three things happens.

I can either access the site with no problem. A banner blocks the screen requesting that I disable my Ad Blocker, although I can click the "Continue without disabling" option to keep reading.

But sometimes a similar banner appears that says I MUST disable my Ad Blocker. I have no site access at all unless I comply.

Whenever that last one happens, I just leave and try again later.

Has this happened to you? It's been a regular occurrence to me for weeks now.

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  • I haven't had this problem with CBR. I just checked.

    I did have this problem with one of the sites. It let me read the articles without a problem, but trying to watch any of the attached videos consistently gave me these messages. It hadn't always done this.

    I looked at my settings and managed to find where it talked about ad blocking. I cleared it out and it fixed the problem. I think any site that survives on ad revenue is within its rights to show us ads.

  • I haven't seen this with CBR. I use the Brave and Firefox browsers most of the time, and routinely do so on privacy mode no matter what browser I use.

    Every once in a while, I come across a site that reacts like that, telling me to turn off the Ad Blocker. When that happens, I can change the settings and get access, but sometimes I still get the message to turn off the Ad Blocker. CBR, however, has not given me any problem.

  • I'm on Google Chrome, so have no idea what the problem is if it's on my end, but it's still on going. Last night was another MUST DISABLE or no access banner.

  • My old laptop died and I recently started using the new one I purchased a year ago. (I didn't lose anything because I have files that are also saved and updated on my desktop computer in another room, which are backed up on its external hard drive.) Everything I am adding or updating on my laptop is saved to its file called "desktop." Once a day I save the desktop file to a thumb drive, which I take to my desktop computer once a week to copy the documents so they match the version on my laptop.

    I was using Chrome until I had some problems with it and moved to Microsoft Edge. I recently updated both computers to Windows 11, which I'm happy with. Every day or so my latest laptop will crash because the drivers need updating (either the Intel drivers or the Hewlett Packard drivers). Making sure the drivers are all updated minimizes this. The Edge browser does two things I really like. If anything crashes the computer, when it comes back Edge offers to restore all open websites. Either Edge or Office 365 saves any open Office documents. Edge also keeps the favorites/bookmarks the same on both of my computers.

    Once I found the ad blocking text in Edge's settings and cleaned it I haven't had the problem. It wasn't blocking many ads anyway.

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