
  • Jeff Plackemeier and Richard Willis got to meet up in California for a visit.


    • Cool.

    • Good to see!

    • Great visit. If/when he comes back this way I look forward to meeting Tracy.

      P.S.: That's me on the left and Jeff (of Earth-J) on the right.

    • I was wondering. Good pic. Cool hat.


    • Awesome!

  • Looking good!

  • No one has commented on the background... we met at my nephew's fifth birthday party, we're not just two old dudes hanging around a playground. The party was Spider-Man themed, and all the kids were running around with Spider-Man masks. I echo Richard's sentiments about this being a great visit. We spoke for two solid hours about life, the universe and everything.

    • I did notice the background, but figured you were someplace that had a playland, like some of the old McDonald's* or you were out with, say a grandchild (or, I suppose a nephew). The jokes that could have been made would have been both too obvious and unsavoury (and I normally only go there if it's a pun or an allusion).


      *Or, I suppose, a farm.

    • The kids were all having pizza and cake when this photo was snapped.

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