Everyone, please note that we have a new moderator on the board. Rob Staeger has accepted the Captain's invitation to join the group of those who work hard to keep the fora here safe and pleasant to use. Let us all extend to Rob a laurel and hearty handshake and take a little time before we let him know what a tough row he has to hoe.
Welcome, Rob!
At last! Now I have a friend in high places, whose position I can exploit ruthlessly! BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!
Ummm ... I just said wrote that out loud, didn't I?
Huzzah, Rob!
Ha, thanks guys! I'm just glad the Legion Constitution was revised to allow married moderators!
Congratulations, Rob.
Hey, do you know something about my marriage that I don't know? :)
Welcome aboard!
Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod) said:
Congratulations, Rob!
"I was taken out of context!"
"He started it!"
"It's not MY fault that I'm RIGHT and he's WRONG!"
"Who are you to judge?"
Things I hope I NEVER have to say to you! ;-)
That's Staeg-tastic!
Thanks, guys!