It's a couplish days till AVENGERS: ENDGAME fully opens in North America. To-day, there will be a stunt of a number of theaters running all 22 MCU movies in order in mega-MEGA-mega marathon...and, after it being announced as bring in only 3 theaters/cities, it has apparently been strecthed to 12 continentally.
San Francisco was one of the initial 3. I belatedly thought of going with the thought of making a documentary about the event and experience .However, it turned out (not suprising) all sold out when I looked it up. Also, for snother angle, as it worked out, I'm still here in the hospital on early Wednesday, and it starts at 10 A.M.
I've posted a spoilers thread. Has anybody NOT seen it yet? Given the opening weekend numbers, you'd think every adult in America has.
I haven't, but I'm not planning to.
Captain Comics said: