Before Watchmen

Not since the launch of Image Comics do I recall the amount of public discussion and debate for several months prior to the release of the actual first issue. Now that the first of the actual comic books has hit the stands, I thought it might be nice to have a thread to discuss the comics themselves, rather than the controversy surrounding them.

MINUTEMEN #1: Elsewhere in this forum, Cap has posted a review of this first issue of the first prequel mini-series. I don’t know whether or not he plans to review each issue of every series individually, but if not, here’s a place to discuss them all. For my own part, I liked the way Darwin Cooke has begun to delve into the origins and backgrounds of characters which had only supporting roles in the Moore/Gibbons original. He’s even manage to successfully mimic some of the storytelling tropes of the classic groundbreaking series.

“So far, so good,” says I.

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  • I really enjoyed the first issue. I don't have much to add to what Jeff and Cap said. It was a really well done comic and I don't think it takes away from the original source material.


    I'm looking forward to the rest of this series as well as the other series coming out.

  • SILK SPECTRE #1: Bought and read this one last Wednesday but don’t have it with me today. Like Minutemen #1 before it, Silk Spectre #1 successfully mimics (perhaps “utilizes” would be a better word) another of Watchmen’s visual tropes: the nine-panel grid.

    I don’t really have a horse in the Alan Moore vs. DC Comics race, but in the past, creators such as Neil Gaiman, Jack Kirby and, yes, Alan Moore, too, have purposefully created characters and situations specifically intended for others to develop. This new line of titles reminds me of nothing so much as that (except for, y’know, the “purposefully” and “specifically intended” parts). I guess what I’m getting at is Alan Moore’s comment along the lines that DC is strip-mining ideas he had 25 years ago, but that’s not what these series are about, at least not so far.

    Perhaps I might feel differently if I was Alan Moore, but I’m not so I don’t.

  • Haven't read Silk Sectre yet but I plan too.


    I think Minutemen did a successful job of fleshing out characters that were only briefly mentioned in Watchmen. While Moore may regrard Watchmen as a stand alone story, the new series add to the mythos he established with out takng away. Well at least Minutemen does.

  • I don't think Before Watchmen can really do anything to diminish the legacy of Watchmen as an iconic work. It stood the test of time and withstood an altered movie version. These are top creators doing their take on Moore's characters. They don't want to fail at this. They want readers to enjoy their new series and be worth the hype, and truth be told, the grief of following Moore.

  • I would say that Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner's work on Silk Spectre did an excellent job of doing just this. This just shows a side of a character that we weren't shown in Watchmen, but makes total sense. This just felt like a teen romance book from the 60's. And drawn by Amanda Conner, it adds a very human-level access to a character that I used to not like.

    Philip Portelli said:

    They want readers to enjoy their new series and be worth the hype, and truth be told, the grief of following Moore.

  • COMEDIAN #1: Quite dark and cynical, as one might expect of a Comedian story written by Brian Azzarello. This one is set against the backdrop of the Kennedy assassination, but also introduces a conspiracy theory of a different nature concerning a different assassination and a different Kennedy.

    Another thing this project reminds me of is Neil Gaiman’s treatment of Miracleman (or “Marvelman,” if you prefer). I see no reason to condemn the project itself just because of DC’s (ethically dubious yet perfectly legal] business practices.

  • What's with the number of this series?

    Is issue #1 "The Minutemen"?

    Then what is "Silk Specter"?

    And where does "The Comedian #1" fit in?

    I am confused.  Anyone else?


  • I don't think it's one series, so much as it's a group of series.

  • I believe there are six or seven different minis.  I know there will be one for Rohrshach, Nite Owl, Ozymandias and possibly Dr. Manhattan.

  • Yes, in fact, the Dr. Manhattan issues have art by none other than Adam Hughes. So expect that to wrap up in early 2016. (Sorry, he's one of my favorite artists since he was on Justice League America back in the late 90's, but is easily lapped by a one-legged turtle when it comes to crossing his finish lines on interiors...)

    Randy Jackson said:...and possibly Dr. Manhattan.

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