
  • Unwritten #9 just made me cry. (Best story arc, RIP award)

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • Or, you could just check the "Mr. Vertigo Reviews" thread for the year and nominate everything I liked. That's what I did, anyway.
  • Ha! I did something similar. I checked my review columns from the past year and used that for my nominations for 'best single issue,' "best cover" and so on.

    Mark Sullivan said:
    Or, you could just check the "Mr. Vertigo Reviews" thread for the year and nominate everything I liked. That's what I did, anyway.
  • I need to remember The Guild when it comes time to nominate Best Mini-Series.
  • I can't think of anything off hand right now to nominate. Stark: Disassembled might be in the running for best arc for me, though. There were a lot of good #1 issues this year, but we don't have a category for that. Also if we had a best break-up, I'd say Secret Warriors #15 would get that hands down.

    Thanks for starting this Dagwan. It was helpful last year when the Cappies rolled around.
  • There were a lot of good #1 issues this year, but we don't have a category for that.

    We do have Best New Series and Best Single Issue. If those good #1s are the start of something great, you could go for the former. If they stand alone as excellent, you could go for the latter.
  • Well in that case, it's still early but Secret Avengers and Flash are in the running for best new series.

    Chris Fluit said:
    There were a lot of good #1 issues this year, but we don't have a category for that.

    We do have Best New Series and Best Single Issue. If those good #1s are the start of something great, you could go for the former. If they stand alone as excellent, you could go for the latter.
  • I know I tweeted this, but I don't think I posted it anywhere else:

    In Flash #2, I get a serious Will Eisner vibe from Francis Manapul's artwork, especially the scene where Flash is rescuing folks from the building.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! it's much better now!

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • Don't forget, I'll be posting the Cappies nomination thread at the end of the month. You might want to start brainstorming your favorites from the past year.
  • Manapul might get a best artist nom from me... his work on Flash has been stunning, especially the large-scale action sequences. LOVED the helicopter run...
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