We've been on this board for a while now. We've had some old friends leave and some new ones jump on board. For a while now I've noticed some tension popping here and there in various threads. It might be due to personal differences or lack of enthusiasm with current comics. Anways we all have a love of comics which lead us to a place where we can discuss them.
Back in the day we would occaisonally have a roll call where all the posters would introduce themselves by answering some questions. I don't recall ever doing this on this new board which is a few years old now! So here it goes, take the time to say hello.
Most of us have our names listed but if not feel free to tell us your name at least first name if you want to (no pressure) or any other alias you may go by.
Who is your all time favorite comic book character?
What is the first comic you remember buying?
What or who brought you to this particular message board?
Who knows we may find something out about each other that we never knew.
I'll start.
From my screen name you'll see that I'm Jason. At one time when I first joined I went by Lime_Coke, because 1) I love lime coke and 2) I couldn't come up with a better name.
My favorite character would be Spider-man. Mostly because he's funny. I like his goofy humor and his interactions with everyone. He's also a regular guy much like myself. Spidey also has the coolest costume ever.
I think my first comic was an issue of incredible Hulk. However I don't remember much about it. I did have my parents buy me a lot of Ninja Turtle comics the ones produced by Archie comics. I also had a number of Harvey press comics as well. But it was Spider-man the Mutant Agenda #2 that I remember when I was about 12 that really hooked me on superheroes. I had been watching the X-men and Spider-man television shows at the time. This comic had my favorite hero and favorite X-man, Beast. How could I pass it up.
Finally, it was the owner of the comic shop I shop at that lead me to this board. You may know him as Dagwan. I had been wanting to join a forum but the one's I read weren't all that inviting. He said this was this was the friendliest board on the internet, he was right. I was welcomed right away. That was five years ago!
1. I'm Chris Fluit, longtime Legionnaire (we used to refer to ourselves as the Legion of Superfluous Heroes around here), sometime moderator, official blogger for more than 5 years and, as it says in my bio, ordained pastor. I'm married to anacoqui, another sometime moderator who posts occasionally. I use my real name because I couldn't think of a cool pseudonym when I first joined. However, I've gone by qufini on several other boards.
2. My two favorite characters are Nightcrawler and Nightwing. I love Nightcrawler's sense of humor, sense of adventure and sense of self. And Nightwing has always been the big brother I wished I had- confident, cool and collected. yet still compassionate.
3. My first comic was probably an Archie or a Caspar the Friendly Ghost. However, the issues that truly hooked me on comics came out when I was 12- Uncanny X-Men 202, Spectacular Spider-Man 111, New Teen Titans 59 and Batman & the Outsiders 27.
4. I've been a part of the Captain Comics community through 4 or 5 iterations by now. I first joined in 1999 before Cap even had a message board and we communicated with each other via his letters column. I found that first site while browsing for comic book sites since we didn't have a TV that summer.
I'm Philip Portelli from College Point NY. Over at Mister Silver Age's greatly missed forum at CBGXtra, I was Starcommander1 after a hero I created.
My favorite characters are the teams, the JLA, JSA, Avengers, Defenders and, of course, the Legion. I love the team-ups, the co-operation and the "One-For-All-And-All-For-One" philosophy. Plus I love super-heroes from Superman to Matter Eater Lad and Spider-Man to Captain Ultra!
My first comic was Justice League of America #103 and the first title I bought consistantly was Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes.
I have been allowed to be part of Captain Comics' forum for over two years after reading his excellant columns in the Comics Buyers Guide. This is my primary "home" as I have read several sites but never joined.
I am Mike Parnell. I am not here as often I was I once was, but still check in regularly. I am like Chris, in that I am also an ordained minister. There was a time when I was a moderator here, but my life got so busy that I could not keep up with the responsibilities of that job.
My favorite character is this guy to my left. He has been my favorite for as long as I can remember. My first draw to him was the fact that he was misunderstood. I felt that greatly in my earlier years. Also, his desire to be left alone fit me well in those days. Add to this my own feeling that it would be cool to just smash something out of frustration.
My first comic was a Justice League of America comic that my grandmother bought me back in the early 60s. I was seven and she took me to a drug store in town that had a lunch counter and a spinner rack. I do not remember the issue, but I remember the wonderful cover. It was so colorful and when I open the pages I was hooked.
I have been here since the beginning of the first board. I began by asking Cap a question about the Watchmen and away I went. Back in those days I was parabbi. Most of the old timers know me as Pa.
I have had the pleasure of meeting many of the old members. One of the joys of this place are the people. It has been family to me in many ways.
Rich Steeves here (though I write under the name RP Steeves because I liked the sound of it)
Who is your all time favorite comic book character?
Gotta go with the ever-lovin', blue-eyed idol o' millions, Benjamin Jacob Grimm, though Hawkeye is a close second.
I love the contrast in his character. He looks monstrous but is kind-hearted. He is strong physically, but he is insecure. He is funny but sad. His skin is nigh-invulnerable, but his feelings are not. He is a real hero, I think. At times, I feel that I have his worst qualities, but I strive to have his best.
What is the first comic you remember buying?
I started reading comics when I was three. I borrowed a lot of them from my neighbor and best friend, but I also picked up some at the drugstore when I went with my dad. It was SO hard to pick just one from the spinner rack! So many characters, so many exciting covers! One I remember clearly (though it was not my first) was Justice League of America #207, part 1 of Crisis on Earth Prime. SO MANY HEROS!!!
What or who brought you to this particular message board?
I have been reading CBG for almost 20 years. When I found out the Captain had a message board, I was there!
My name is Jeff, but I recently changed it to Wandering Sensei because I'm a fifth grade teacher and I want some sense of privacy. (Them kids and their technology!) As I said, I am a teacher and also a part-time karate instructor in town. When I first came on board, I was Jupiter. I used to be a moderator but just didn't have the time to keep up with those duties after awhile (much like the great Mike "Pa" Parnell).
Favorite character? Hard to say. I'm really a guy who follows creators. I guess if I had to pick one, I'd probably say Batman. So versatile--and as someone recently said on the board, open to as many interpretations as there are creators in the field.
First comic book? I think it was either Captain America or a Flash issue. Before that, though, I remember reading issues of Boys Life Magazine when I was a kid, reading those comics over and over before I had any interest in "real" comics. I remember Pedro, Pee-Wee, the adaptation of The White Mountains that was serialized monthly...
I've been here since about 2004? Doc Beechler brought me over here after we both got tired of life on another board.
Wandering Sensei said:
I fondly remember reading the serialised stories of the Polaris Patrol and their Time Machine in Boys' Life. They were right up there with the Three Investigators and the Hardy Boys on my reading list.
I'm Rob Staeger, a freelance writer and editor. Been here for the last two iterations, and possibly the one before that, as well. I know I lurked, at least.
My favorite all-time comics character is Barry Allen... and Wally West. I love 'em both. I'm thrilled to have Barry back in the spotlight these days (he's the Flash of my youth), but would love to see Wally (the Flash I grew up alongside) again. Someday soon that'll happen, I think -- or soon in the terms of returning Flashes. Barry was gone for over 20 years; I expect we'll see Wally somehow by 2015.
My first comic book, I believe, was Superman 314 -- "Before the Night is Over, Superman Will Kill" -- the middle of a multi-part story, with a villain I'd never heard of before, and Green Lantern and Flash (and, inside, Supergirl) taken hostage. I'd read some comics at a friends' before, but this one (I think) was the first one I ever bought. (An issue of the Englehart/Rogers Hugo Strange story in Detective was another.) Soon afterward, I was reading Flash, Superman, Legion, and more.
I can't remember what brought me here -- probably the Q&As from Cap's original site... which I was probably led to from his columns in CBG. But I stayed because this place is so friendly. "Welcome! We're glad you're here!" are still some of my favorite words, and ones I try to live by in whatever parties and events I organize.
I usually use the nom de plume of "The Horn'd One" due to the fact I usually wear a pair of ceramic devil's/satyr's horns when I go out with friends, and it comes from when a lady-friend temporarily forgot my real name & nicknamed me 'O Horn'd One'. I liked it & kept it. My real first name is James.
My all-time favorite comic book character is, of course, Batman.
The first comic I remember ever getting was a Giant-Sized, and I mean *giant* (poster) sized reprint of the first Batman comics, which had Detective Comics #27 & the first appearance of The Joker. One of my fondest memories of that of me reading it with my paternal Grandfather (ailing from cancer) when I would bring his dinner to him.
I think I found the original Capt. Comics message-board when I was searching for a Wild Cards discussion board, being a great reader of the series. I signed up there, and have enjoyed the camaraderie since.
If it's of interest to anyone, back issues of Boys' Life can be read online for free at Google Books.