Public Domain Volume One: Past Mistakes
Chip Zdarsky, writer & artist
Image Comics, 2023
Classic comic book artist Syd Dallas is responsible for creating pop culture's greatest hero: the Domain. His glory days are behind him, and now he is invited to movie premieres starring his character mostly as a courtesy. His sons Miles and David have a complicated relationship with both the creation and the creator, as deadlines on Domain comics deprived them of their father's attention while they were growing up. But they think of the character as the family's legacy and are convinced Syd should fight for it, especially after a document is discovered that granted him full ownership of the Domain. This puts him in conflict with co-creator writer Jerry Jasper and publisher Singular Comics. But all he really wants is the rights to make Domain comics, so he and his sons launch the new imprint Dallas Comics. This is a knowing introduction to a comics series about the comics business. A bit reminiscent of Howard Chaykin's Hey Kids! Comics!, but with less historical perspective and far fewer axes to grind.
This sounds like something I would enjoy. I'll check it out next week. Thanks!
Sold out; on reorder.
That's kind of good news for an independent project, I guess. I hope you enjoy it when you get it!
I got it today; I'll try to get around to reading it soon. As far as my retailer being sold out is concerned, I imagine he got one copy for the shelf and someone else (who didn't pre-order it) got to it before I did. My LCS generally keeps one of virtually everything in stock as long as it remains in print.
I also need to get around to reading another project from Image which I bought a few weeks ago: the OGN Too Dead to Die (A Simon Cross Thriller) by Marc Guggenheim and Howard Chaykin. I don't know if you have any interest in that one or not; I'm pretty sure you haven't reviewed it.
No, I missed Too Dead to Die (A Simon Cross Thriller). It's on my list now, thanks.
I've read both of these, and as much of a fan I am of Howard Chaykin, I much prefer Public Domain.
Public Doman is very, very good. I really enjoyed it. I might even describe it as touching (a word I have not used since 1983). It's not exactly an OGN since it was originally published in serial format, but I think of it that way because it flew in under my radar until I read Mark's review. One question: The tpb reprints #1-5 and is designated "Volume One." Does that mean the series is ongoing? I perfectly satisfied with the (open) ending as it stands, but I find myself eager to read further stories of "Dallas Comics."
"A bit reminiscent of Howard Chaykin's Hey Kids! Comics!, but with less historical perspective and far fewer axes to grind."
It's sort of a "feel-good fantasy."
Next up is Too Dead to Die (which I will post about in "What Comics Have you Read Today?").
Yes, Public Domain is still ongoing on Zdarsky's Substack. I haven't been reading it there because I have only a free subscription, but presumably, there will be more collections down the line.
That's good to know. (I would wait for the trade in any case.)
By this time I have also read Too Dead to Die. As to which one is better, they're so different it's difficult to compare. I like them both equally.