Cable #1 - Cable tracks bad men throughout ancient times. Story by James Robinson, art by Carlos Pacheco.
I doubt I shall ever warm up to Cable. After all, his power has always seemed to be big guns, and that's not something I'm really into. The setup of this comic is professionally executed, but I don't really have any emotion invested in the character or the story. Others might feel differently.
Captain America: Sam Wilson #22 - Sam sets up an underground railroad to smuggle people out of the country. Story by Nick Spencer, art by Sean Izaakse.
I didn't hate this. I hate Secret Empire, but I didn't hate this. That being said, I'm saddened that this is the only way we'll ever get any sort of quality comic starring Sam, as he is a favorite character. It's well executed, and there are some things that parallel current events.
Doctor Strange #21 - Strange attempts to dispel the magic dome surrounding Manhattan. Story by Dennis Hopeless, art by Niko Henrichon.
Some things didn't ring true to me in this story, particularly the idea that Ben Urich was putting his life on the line in this particular situation. Part of what makes Urich Urich is that he's not necessarily the bravest guy, and this just felt wrong. Additionally, most of the comic is taken up by double-page spreads, which I'm rarely a fan of and I don't really think it works here.
Generation X #2 - Purifiers attack the school. Story by Christina Strain, art by Amilcar Pinna.
Maybe one of these days Marvel will stop telling us how powerful Quentin Quire is and actually show us. We sort of get a glimpse, but that's it. Additionally, it seems as if he's just a jerk in his comic for no other reason than to be a jerk. It seems as if every time someone attempts to move his character forward and mature him a bit, he backslides. I still think the art is not very good.
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CABLE: “I doubt I shall ever warm up to Cable.”
You and me both, pal.
CAPTAIN AMERICA*: “That being said, I'm saddened that this is the only way we'll ever get any sort of quality comic starring Sam…”
I’m not certain what you mean by this. Care to elaborate?
*(I no longer feel it necessary to differentiate between Captains America, at least not for the duration of Secret Empire.)
Well, let's be honest. Sam is a second stringer. He works well as a a member of a team, but he's not really a guy who's going to carry his own title for long. When this event is over, so shall this title. I doubt sales numbers are high enough to keep it going and even if they were I doubt that it's in Marvel's plans. I'd like to be proven wrong, but I don't think that's the case.
So you're saying any kind of a Sam Wilson solo comic (be it Falcon, Captain America, whatever) can only ever aspire to be a "placeholder" until Steve Rogers returns? I'd like to see you proven wrong, too.
Tell you what, if I ever encounter a genie, after using up two wishes for my own purposes, I'll spend one on having a Sam Wilson comic sell at least a million copies a month for a ten year period, just to see what it does to Marvel and the comics industry in general.
I think Marvel has been publishing Sam Wilson comics for long enough that they've established him as a solid character. I'd like to see them stick with it for a while longer. But, I don't know if I need him to be Captain America. It seems to me that the when you have multiple versions of a character running around, it dilutes and weakens the concept.
I'll probably follow the Cable book for a while. Mostly for the Pacheco art. I don't hate the character but I think I do have a little bit of a subconscious Liefeld-based bias against him. I thought it was interesting that Robinson kicked off another series with a hero being dismembered.
When Sam Wilson became Captain america I had a hard time getting used to a Captain America with wings. Now I have a hard time picturing a Captain America without wings.Speaking for myself, I wouldn't mind seeing Sam assume the role on a permanent basis, with Steve rogers playing a background role. Unfortunately, that was the previous status quo, and now that Marvel has "youthened" Steve Rogers, I don't see them going back.
"It seems to me that the when you have multiple versions of a character running around, it dilutes and weakens the concept."
I agree. that's what turned me off Green Lantern (formerly my favorite DC character).