
  • Also, I read the Dark Shadows: Year One trade paperback published by Dynamite. It races through Barnabas & Angelique's early years, adding a little here and there, but mostly (it seems to me) sticking to the established contours of the 1795 storyline. Mark Andreyko does a servicable job on the script, but I was really impressed by artist Guiu Vilanova's likenesses of the cast. He does a good job capturing most of the actors without things seeming hyper-detailed and stiff.  

  • Dark Shadows "ghost theory": I have a theory about what causes ghosts to appear at Collinwood. First, Josette is Collinwood's "default ghost" and is the exception to the rule; the catalyst which caused Sarah to appear was the release of Barnabas from his coffin; Quentin began to appears when David and Amy discovered his skeleton in his sealed room (difficult to explain now that Quentin never died in the altered timeline), and Quentin's presence brought Beth. By this point it is obvious that the Dark Shadows writers are taking another pass at The Turning of the Screw, but I don't recall what caused Gerard (and Daphne and Tad and Carrie) to manifest in 1970 in the first place after resting quietly in their graves for 130 years. I have an idea what it might be (according to my theory), but I'll have to watch a bit further to see if there's a solid "in story" explanation.

    1063: "Music is seldom used to frighten." What? The professor of my "Intro to Films" class did a whole lecture on the use of music in movies  (but I guess Barnabas "slept" through most of that).

    1065: I really like that Collinwood has a "ghost room" in addition to a "parallel time room." In this episode, Tad and Carrie are mentioned for the first time, and in the cliffhanger, Tad actually appears (although he is mistaken for David at this point). Way back in one of the earliest episodes, Elizabeth is lecturing Roger on the history of the Collins family and starts rattling off ancestors' names. Among them was ""Theodore," never mentioned since. But I like to think Tad is Theodore. (There is no proof of this assertion; it is strictly Earth-J head canon.)

    I would also like to mention that the old age make-up (Carolyn/Stokes) is far less impressive than it was when they aged Barnabas way back when. Stokes looks like when we used to smear Elmer's Glue on our skin to simulate wrinkles when we were in elemantary school.

    1067: Introducing the lovely Kate Jackson as Daphne Harridge. Like Josette and Jasmine, Daphne's signature scent is lilac (although Barnabas pronounces it "lie-lock" for some reason).

    1068: I was going to say something about the Collins Family History in this episode, but I can't remember what it was. Perhaps it was the fact that they used two props, with "Vol. One" and "Vol. Two" scratched off. It probably went unnoticed in 1970, but they couldn't anticipate the advent of hi-def large screen TVs.

    When there was a veiled threat and Barnabas wonders if it is against Carolyn, Julia asks, "Who else could it be?" and Tracy & I both hollared "YOU!"

    1069: In this episode Barnabas and Juklia begin referring to the male ghost by name, but I don't know how they determined that (unless they read "Gerard" in the credits). It is also in this episode when they find the list of clues left by Carolyn as to the disaster that befell Collinwood in 1970 ("The night of the sun and the moon… the night Rose Cottage was destroyed… the unfinished horoscope… the night I sang my song… the picnic… the murder!"), but they are less a list of "clues" than a random series of random events leading up to it.

    1070 gives us Dark Shadows' 16th seance. (I will update "seances & sources" presently.) This is also the episode in which the ghost of Carrie ushers Barnabas and Julia back the the present via the "stairway through time." (There is an explanation for this device that I really like, but I homestly can't remember whether it's a fan theory or if it's from a Big Finish audio or if I came up with it on my own, but it's not from the show. I'll get to it once we learn more about it.) This is also the point at which, on Earth-J, the Time Lords intervene. In my head canon, it is the third Doctor, not the Ghost of Carrie, who leads Barnabas and Julie back to the present (again, for reasons we'll get into later).

    CLIFFHANGER: Hallie's twangy "Who are you?" has been a catchphrase in our house for decades now.

    • I noticed the Volume One/Volume Two discrepancy too -- I wondered if something would ever come of it on the episode, but no dice.

      With Hallie, it seems like Dark Shadows finally has its "Jan."

    • "Jan"... Brady?

    • Yep -- she's got the look, and that annoying put-upon vibe.

    • "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"

    • Barnabas pronounces it "lie-lock" for some reason).

      I've heard it pronounced that way before. Maybe it was an old-timey thing, like Shatner's pronunciation of  "trahnquility"?

  • DARK SHADOWS: YEAR ONE: This is a mini-series I have been meaning to re-read for some time now, along with Dynamite's ongoing Dark Shadows series, which was also quite good. On TV, the 19-week 1795 arc was quite meandering, and I think the comic book did a good job of distilling it to its key elements. I was thinking of starting a discussion of both series, but I can't decide where to post it. I'm thinking "Movies & TV" (although they are comic books). 

    • I'll definitely be looking for those Dark Shadows comics at conventions & other sources! The first four issues are available on Hoopla.

  • As for Future Carolyn, Danny Horn described her as "pushing 50, and she looks like she's been pushing it with her face."

    He's funny. (I got that seance comic book panel I just posted to "Dark Shadows Seances and Sources" from Dark Shadows Every Day.) Carolyn was 18 in 1966, so she'd be 47 in 1995. Today, at 81, Nancy Barrett looks better than Carolyn did at 47 in 1995. 

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