I bought #22 of DOOM PATROL recently , having bought this series from its start but having fallen away over the last few months , about when they switched to 32 pages/$2.99 .

  I ( Spoilers ! ) was not real suprised to find that this was the last issue of this latest run...Um , it IS , isn't it ??????????? I've bought various Doom Patrols going back to the Drake/Prenami original ( Hey !!!!! Can many other major SA hero titles claim having had the same creative team for almost all , anyway , their run ??????? )...

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  • This was definitely the last issue, although I like that they left a few threads dangling.
  • As the Commander once wrote:


    The Doom Patrol, Requiescat in Pace.




    Given how high the bar was set with Drake's first run of Doom Patrol, and Morrison's hugely ambitious and fondly remembered later Doom Patrol, surely any creative team would need to have some very special things lined up for the this concept before starting another series of them? 


    I haven't read this series, but was there anything in it that needed this particular super-team to work?  Should they have bothered?


    Perhaps they really should let them rest in peace now...

  • They'll be back sooner or later, hopefully not written by Keith Giffen.
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