I have just been informed that the social website FACEBOOK has allegedly been affected by a virus of unknown origin. Apparently all you have to do is go to the site's homepage and you are automatically targeted!
I am not in a position to risk my own computer to verify the report first hand for myself.
IF this news item is in error, I will gladly retract this story and most sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
Otherwise, remember... I did try to warn you.

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  • http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2011/03/22/facebook-rumor-photo-tag...

    That same warning...a hoax...has been going around for a year. Read the above link.
  • But I have a friend, who I trust, tell me that IN PERSON this afternoon!

    From the perspective of being a victim himself TODAY!

    It had nothing to do with being "tagged" in a photo. His computer crash while he was trying to log into his Facebook account!

    So what's the truth?

  • I was just on a few minutes ago, and everything seemed fine.
  • I've been on Facebook all day and haven't had any problems.


    About a month or so ago, I got hit with a virus that posted a bogus message on my page from one of my Facebook friends, something like, "I saw you in this video, what are you doing? ha ha." I clicked on the link and never saw the video -- but what it did was post that same message to the pages of every one on my friend list! So then I had dozens of people asking me what that was, and others warning me that it was a virus.


    Shortly after that, there was a Facebook virus going around with bogus messages being posted on pages from friends crowing about a free iPad they'd received somehow.


    In either case, the way to get rid of it was to change the password.

  • Well, I honestly have no idea what to say to everyone now.

    I have no idea why my friend said what he did. Like I said, it was someone I trust who has never done anything like this before and has never given me any reason not to trust him.

    When told, I thought I was doing the right thing sharing the warning with everyone I could.

    So you're guess is as good as mine as to what is actually going on right now.

    Could someone please hand me a towel so I can wipe the egg off my face?

  • I have no idea why my friend said what he did.

    Maybe he had a virus?

  • It could be that his computer crash was unrelated to trying to log into Facebook.


  • Don't worry about it, Lee! Your heart's in the right place!
  • Well, I have talked to my friend earlier this afternoon, and he is still sticking to his version of events: that everything went "kablooie" while he was on the Facebook homepage about to log in.

    I haven't got the heart/nerve to confront him about it after hearing how he will now be without a computer until at least Monday and is looking at a triple digit repair bill.

    It definitely IS a virus. The tech guy has to totally wipe/clean and reformat his system, including installing a brand new copy of Windows from scratch!

    The PC I'm on is the only one I own, and it not only handles my Internet needs, but I do all my professional writing on it as well; so I cannot afford to take the risk and visit Facebook myself at the moment.

    Maybe next week after my friend gets his computer back, for I know Facebook will be one of the first places he goes to.

  • I hope his system was backed up. The virus I got from Facebook was merely annoying, but several months ago, a lightning strike killed my computer good and dead.
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