Or: "Help Dagwan Sell Some Books"
I have a customer whose girlfriend is interested in any good graphic novels that are set in the South for a Southern Literature class.
Any suggestions?
My list thus far:
Dixie Road
Fallen Angel
Gambit limited Series
Hawkman/ Hawkgirl
Satchel Paige: Striking Out Jim CrowStuck Rubber Baby
Swamp Thing
Unknown: Devil Made Flesh
Walking Dead
Impulse: Reckless Youth- set in Manchester, Alabama (a pseudonym for Birmingham, Alabama); would bring a very different perspective on the South
Satchel Paige: Striking Out Jim Crow
You'd have to do separate ones for Marvel, DC and other, but it would be kinda fun.
And don't forget the Pogo stories!
Gambit limited series...
EC Civil War stories...
Man, I'm drawing a blank! ('Course I was gonna say Pogo and Preacher and Swamp Thing, too.)
I think all of it's been in the South so far, although they're moving farther and farther north to D.C. in recent issues.
Dixie Road
and I was gonna say Pogo as well
Good point. I'd add that Impulse was set in the South as well. (Manchester, Alabama, was the name of his town, I believe.)