The list of the top 15 superhero films, as ranked in popularity by IMDB users, is interesting. Most of it would end up in my personal top 15. The big exception is RoboCop. I can kinda/sorta see why they'd but it in a superhero category but I wouldn't have. I also would substitute Hellboy II on their list for the first Hellboy as I didn't enjoy the second one very much.
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No way. The second Hellboy was so much better. The evil elf villain. Abe Sapien's heart-break song. The final battle on the turning gears. I loved the second one.
Of course, my list probably wouldn't include Superman: The Movie because I find its story laughably, mockingly bad, so what do I know? :)
And if RoboCop is a superhero movie, then I'd say so is Darkman and The Matrix and Army of Darkness and Escape from New York and...
I liked Hellboy better than Hellboy II -- Hellboy II just dragged for me.
They probably did count Darkman. It just didn't make the cut.