I've Won!

My efforts to get my wife reading comics have paid off. Just a moment ago, Kathy stepped into the office and asked, "Okay, what'd you do with the American Vampire?" I'd showed her the first issue when it came out, but I didn't realize she'd been following along all this time.

I win the geekstakes!

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  • Hooray for you! I haven't managed that trick yet. My wife has shown a bit more interest in the last couple years, as comics have gotten more mainstream attention. But she hasn't actually read any, unless she's doing it on the sly.
  • The first thing I had my then-future wife read was also a vampire story, Renfield. I've loaned that collected edition out I don't know how many times to people I want to interest in the format. It's always received a positive reaction.

    Darn. Now I realize that it's been years since I've read it and, despite the HUGE amount of stuff I have that I've never read before, I'll need to re-read Renfield.
  • Never heard of Renfield. It isn't even listed in wiki under Renfield the character and comics! What's the deal with it?

    My wife keeps comics at arms length for the most part. Loved Persopolis, and Barefoot Gen though.

    I've got her at a weak point lately when there was nothing at all in the house for her to read and I gave her the first and second volumes of Gaiman's Sandman. I think the first was too Superheroey and the second was probably too weird, but I'm thinking that The Midsummer Nights Dream volume might hook her. She's interested in Shakespeare, and this is the point Gaiman widens out the narrative to include literary and historical figures, so we'll see...

    She sorta liked Unwritten, but keeping a story like that in your head from one month to the next isn't for everyone. It's a learned skill, I'd say.
  • I've found that many get turned off by the darkness of the first volume of Sandman. I wouldn't start anyone on it, despite my aversion to starting a story anywhere but at the beginning.
  • Rob, I started a discussion such as this when I won the geekstakes! Here is the initial post:

    Tracy didn't read comics too often before we were married, but I've had a good degree of success recommending to her comics (starting with "Stangers in Paradise") that I thought she would like. I have over 20,000 comic books in my collection, and the frustrating thing is that, more often than not, she becomes interested in a series I don't collect! For example, after reading my collection of "Sandman" hardbacks, she became interested in "Books of Magic" (a title I have never collected), and we had to acquire that one from scratch.

    She really liked the "Birds of Prey" tv show and became interested in the BoP comics (another title I never collected). She was on the phone with her friend Michelle shortly after the show premiered. I only heard her side of the conversation, but she filled me in later. Tracy said something about the Huntress being Batman and Catwoman's daughter, and from that point, the conversation went something like this:

    MICHELLE: Their daughter? Which of the movies is that from?

    TRACY: It's not from the movies, it's from the comics.

    MICHELLE: Well, how did that happen?

    TRACY: Do you want my explanation or Jeff's?

    MICHELLE: What's Jeff's?

    TRACY: Well, on pre-Crisis Earth-2...


    I was so proud of her! She's never even read any of those stories! This past weekend, though, she asked for a couple. I gave her a B&B team-up with Starman, the JLA/JSA two-parter where she crossed over from Earth-2, her first appearance in the O'Neil/Adams GL/GA, the JLA 220-221 (explaining the Dinah who "crossed over" is really the original's daughter), and to round it off, the Starman annual that put a new spin on those old B&B team-ups.

    There are a few threads on this board discussing how retcons screw up a character's history. Here's Tracy's take on JLA 220-221 (immitating Superman): "Your mother is dead, but we thought it'd be a good idea to let you think you were married to your father!" Oh, that's a good idea!

    Tracy says if I live on "Earth-J," then she's content to live on the moon, which she calls (what else?) "Moon-T".

    To read the rest of the discussion, follow this link.
  • "I have over 20,000 comic books in my collection..."


    "Never heard of Renfield. It isn't even listed in wiki under Renfield the character and comics! What's the deal with it?"

  • Cavalier said:

    I wrote that in 2003, two years before moving my collection across three states.

    My revised estimate is upwards of 30,000.
  • Dolores has never gotten into reading comics with me, but she's always listened attentively to my (and later Pat's and my) geek-speak. For the first couple of years, I figured she was just being a polite wife, but it eventually became obvious she was paying attention when she'd bring up things about Stan Lee or Green Lanterns that I told her about weeks or months earlier. She also has attended the Pittsburgh Comicon with me and had a great time, and we enjoy quite a bit of genre television and movies together. The fact that she watches Spartacus:Blood and Sand with me is still baffling, and she absolutely loves True Blood and has no interest in Twilight, which shows she's discerning.

    I can't complain. :)
  • My collection in still in the four-digit range. I lost thousands twenty years ago when my water heater busted. I was away on vacation. Guess what was stored in the closet next to the water heater? Ah, well.

    My ex-wife never really read comics at all, except for maybe the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans. The kids, though, take after ol' Dad, My daughter, Melora, was an infant when the Water Heater Accident happened. Now, she's twenty-one (getting married on Saturday! Where does the time go?) and reads comics when time and money allows. She's a HUGE Batman fan. Her fiance likes The Walking Dead and the Punisher. I'm with him on the first, and on the second...well, no one's perfect. :D Jason is our Cap/Thor/Iron Man booster, and keeps asking when I'm going to let him read Watchmen. I don't think 14 is old enough yet.
  • I own a comic book store.

    Dagwan for the win!


    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's much better now!

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