Mid-Season Debut Review

Deception (NBC): Don't bother.  It's trite and it considers the audience too dumb to understand sarcasm (two separate characters explain what they really meant after sarcastically stating the opposite).

The Following (Fox): Really good.  The dialogue is sharp.  There are several unexpected twists (as well as a few expected ones).  May be too gory for some. 

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  • The pre-premiere buzz for The Following was pretty favorable, but the reviews I've seen since haven't been so positive.  It's still sitting on my TiVo unwatched.  How does the gore factor compare to, say, Criminal Minds (the goriest show I'm currently watching)?

  • I'd say The Following is more gory than Criminal Minds. My wife had me stop it about 20 minutes in, and she didn't want to watch the rest of this episode or any further.

  • THE FOLLOWING: I’m not familiar with Criminal Minds, but I found The Following to be highly derivative of Red Dragon (or the movie version, Manhunter)… that is, up to a point. [MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW] That’s not to say that being derivative is necessarily a bad thing, but it becomes a moot point about three quarters of the way in. Imagine a Red Dragon in which Will Graham totally loses control of the situation, allowing psychopathic mastermind Hannibal Lecter to direct his followers on a crime spree from within his prison cell. That’s pretty much the situation Kevin Bacon finds himself in at the end of the first episode. [END SPOLIERS] I would recommend it to anyone who liked the original movie adaptation of Red Dragon.

    KING OF THE NERDS: So, I’ve gotta ask: did anyone watch the first episode?

  • I did like Manhunter, and I did get that feeling, too.

  • I watched the Following and really liked. It was predictable in parts but Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy's performances kept it interesting. I'm in for now.
  • Am I the only one who checked out The Taste last week? It is like The Voice but with cooking, the cheftestants only get to put there food on a spoon for single bite, and then they are behind some screen. It was purely ridiculous, and a time killer for me, but I have seen worse.

  • "Cheftestants" is a great word.

  • I thought so too. I wish I could take credit for it, BUT I can't.

    And I just saw I typed "there" instead of "their" above. Darn 15 minute editing thing!

    Doctor Hmmm? said:

    "Cheftestants" is a great word.

  • I watched the second episode of the Following last night. The creepiness factor held over from the first episode and amped it up some. Probably not something to watch before you go to bed but fortunately no nightmares for me.

  • Tonight is the comic book-themed episode of King of the Nerds (with “celebrity” judges Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes).

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