I've been thinking about taking my Mr. Vertigo reviews into a wider venue for awhile, and finally created a blog today: http://mrvertigocomics.wordpress.com/

I thought I'd begin by gathering together the chronological tour of Vertigo miniseries that has been posted in the "What Comic Books Have You Read Today?" thread since August, so the first two posts are devoted to that. After I've gotten that current, I'll decide what to do about "Mr. Vertigo Reviews Again." I could link to it here, or post it both places. Do any of my regular readers/posters have any preference about that?

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  • Hi Mark.  Personally, I'm glad to see that you are extricating your posts from the "What comics have you read today' thread.  That seemed to be underselling them somewhat and possibly they got lost in the rush of other posts.  I always imagined that the 'WCHYRT' thread was for fleeting impressions of recently read comics.  I should use it more often as I read a lot of stuff then just put it away without discussing it.  But I don't think its suitable for the kind of systematic, in-depth discussion that you were using it for.


    Can I ask what you mean by 'a wider venue'?  Wouldn't you have less readers at a new site than you have here in the Comics Cave?  We don't have a huge membership, but as it says at the top of your new blog page, it's 'just another wordpress blog'.  But starting a blog is fun, and something I've thought of doing myself.  If that's the way you want ot go, I'd vote that some links to it be provided here, so that we're kept in the loop.  Maybe add a one-line (or half-line) summary of the tack you take with each review to draw in more readers from here.  You can change the title of this thread if you like, before you start linking to it, to something that reflects the ongoing additions of new posts.


    I'm glad that you are starting over, because I found myself in the frustrating postion of picking up a few cheap Vertigo one-shots and short series AFTER you'd reviewed them, and there wasn't really a place to comment on them if I'd read them.  Maybe now, seeing them get their own post each, I might read them and comment.  Hope you don't mind ridiculously belated comments for some of them.  I think I won't have as much time to keep up to the minute with my posting going forward from this week!


    Best of luck.  I'll be reading along, if not commenting too often.  SIgnpost the SPOILERS if they are big ones! 


    I don't think there are any other Morrison books coming up before you get to the stupungous Flex Mentallo mini.  Ideally, I'd like to read and post on Flex's appearances in Doom Patrol before I read the mini-series, but you're the captain of the Vertigo ship, as ever!  Do let me know if any Morrison books are coming up.

  • I don't have a preference about linking to "Mr. Vertigo Reviews Again" or posting it here and on your blog, but I would advise you to post it both places for double the exposure.
  • What I mean by a "wider venue" is all of the comics readers that don't belong to this site. I don't mean to denigrate the posters here--we've had great discussions of a lot of the stuff I read, and I expect we will continue to--but some of my postings don't generate any discussion at all, and I'd like to have a shot at some folks that don't visit this site. And a more direct route to Google searches and such as well. I'll be happy to see comments on the old Vertigo as you get to it, Figs. I think those postings tend to get completely lost here after a day or two. I try to avoid big spoilers, because I hope some readers are curious about a title they haven't read yet. And I don't own Flex Mentallo! Just one issue, so I'm waiting for the long-awaited collection. For now I'll have to skip over it if I get there before the announced Fall publication date.
  • Congrats on your "spin-off," Mark. Blogging can indeed be fun! Your narrow focus of Vertigo-only titles will help you  quite a bit.
  • Congrats on the new blog, Mark -- I think it's a great idea! My suggestion would be to post there, and link here. That'd likely keep the discussion in one place.
  • Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement, everyone. I've just added an entry on the Vertigo Resurrected "Shoot" and Hellblazer #1 issues I read recently. I expanded on what I said here, and included the original Hellblazer #141 cover that was solicited as "Shoot." I've also added Categories and Tags to everything, and edited my first two posts to take out some of the daily reading diary flavor. And I got a Vertigo image to work as a banner. Have a look!
  • Looks fantastic!  Love the banner.  If you have access to a scanner, a few images from the books under discussion make it a bit more accessible/inviting to browsers. 


    Look forward to popping over there regularly, but I'm a poor poster/replier these days.

  • Clark Kent_DC said:
    I don't have a preference about linking to "Mr. Vertigo Reviews Again" or posting it here and on your blog, but I would advise you to post it both places for double the exposure.

    Rob Staeger said:
    Congrats on the new blog, Mark -- I think it's a great idea! My suggestion would be to post there, and link here. That'd likely keep the discussion in one place.

    Aren't you glad you asked, Mark?
  • Ha! You can't expect the Legion to agree on much of anything, can you? I've started putting in cover images in response to Figs' suggestion. Those can be linked from the Grand Comic Database really easily, and I agree they make it much more visually inviting.
  • Quick update: turns out linking directly to the GCD is unreliable (might actually be against policy anyway, now that I think about it). Some of my images didn't show up right away when I visited the blog just now, so I've downloaded the images to my PC and uploaded them directly into the blog. It's a learning experience!
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