Eventually his nickname was shortened to Flip and he had his own variety show in the 70s, Not wanting to be the "Mal" of the Newsboy Legion, he briefly joined the Sea Devils and became their "Mal". After that, he joined the supporting cast of Aquaman but was usually left behind in favor of Topo. He tried to join the New Teen Titans unsuccessfully when he applied with Ozone and the Mind-Grabber Kid. He also had a failed team-up with Batman when the Dark Knight never showed up!
Post-Crisis, it was revealed that he was a clone of his "father" like the other "sons" of the Newsboy Legion.
That sort of looks like Jimmy that he's punching there, actually.
It's a Jimmy clone. The panel is from a Project serial that appeared in The Superman Family in 1978. It started in Jimmy's feature and crossed over with Lois's. The serial was cover-featured on #192, #194. The writer was Tom DeFalco. That was before he went to Marvel.
"They call him Flippa, Flippa, faster than lightning..."
What? Oh. Never mind.
That sort of looks like Jimmy that he's punching there, actually.
While riding an escalator at the Metropolis Mall one of his flippers got caught and there went Flippa Dippa.
Eventually his nickname was shortened to Flip and he had his own variety show in the 70s, Not wanting to be the "Mal" of the Newsboy Legion, he briefly joined the Sea Devils and became their "Mal". After that, he joined the supporting cast of Aquaman but was usually left behind in favor of Topo. He tried to join the New Teen Titans unsuccessfully when he applied with Ozone and the Mind-Grabber Kid. He also had a failed team-up with Batman when the Dark Knight never showed up!
Post-Crisis, it was revealed that he was a clone of his "father" like the other "sons" of the Newsboy Legion.
(Only two of these "facts" are true!)
He's in "Token Black Character" limbo, along with Whitewash Jones, Black Vulcan, Chuck Clayton, etc. Escape is rare from the Token Zone.
"Outgunned"? "Outmanned?"
Did he join the cast of Hamilton?
The Baron said:
The Baron said:
It's a Jimmy clone. The panel is from a Project serial that appeared in The Superman Family in 1978. It started in Jimmy's feature and crossed over with Lois's. The serial was cover-featured on #192, #194. The writer was Tom DeFalco. That was before he went to Marvel.