Point One

What do you think of Marvel's point one initiative, in which they insert jumping-on issues between regular issues of a series?  I've heard retailers complain about the troubles of filing it (which was also true of 0 issues and Minus One issues).  I'm curious about the readership.  Are you interested?  Does it seem like a neat way to attract new readers or introduce a new story?  Or are you planning to skip them entirely?  I haven't made up my own mind yet so I'm interested in hearing what others have to say.

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  • If it's a character I'm already interested in, I've read them.  I loved the Iron Man .1 as it explored Tony's alcoholism in about as poignant a way as possible without actually having him relapse. 

    Characters I'm not interested in and am not already picking up?  Not so much.

  • It'll be helpful on the books I just skim through or don't understand. But a little clarity and explaination is a good thing!
  • Thanks, Rich.  It's helpful to know that issues that have already come out have been good.  That makes it more likely I'll pick up the issues for titles I'm currently collecting (like Amazing Spider-Man and Wolverine).
  • I think that the .1 numbering is a silly stunt. Invincible Iron Man 500.1 could have just been #501 and it still would have been a "new reader friendly" story.


    It's possible that I'll eventually read most of the .1 issues when they are digitized for Marvel's digital subscription service but I'm not buying any. I only picked up IIM 500.1 because of a special my retailer was having. It was OK but I'm not sure how new reader friendly it actually is. With all the situations and characters that aren't identified, I think it would leave a new reader (figuratively) scratching their head. Maybe I should have my wife and son, both of whom are familiar with Iron Man in general but not in detail like we are, read the story and see what they think of it.

  • I think it's a good idea for every comic book series to have a good "jumping-on point" every once in a while. I'm not a big fan of numbering stunts (no, sir, not at all) but I can live with 'em, and doing them across the company's entire line seems a bit forced. Having said that, I'll buy the ones I buy but I'm generally in favor of any gimmick which has the potential to increase circulation. 
  • doing them across the company's entire line seems a bit forced.

    They're not doing the entire line. About a dozen select titles, including flagships like Uncanny X-Men.
  • I'm skipping it myself I don't like that it is a $2.99 "jumping on point" and then jacked back up to $3.99 from there on out. Then again I think there is only one or two series I am reading regularly that is doing it, so it is easy for it to pass me by.
  • I am skipping them. The only Marvel Title that i have ordered is the Silver Surfer mini-series. I look each month at what is coming out but I don't see much that I want to read.
  • Invincible Iron Man #500.1 was one of the best comics I've read in the past year, up there with the "Choose your own Adventure"-style issue of The Unwritten. It's simultaneously a complete rundown of Tony Stark/ Iron Man's entire life and career, AND a completely new story unencumbered by past continuity. I think long-term readers will get just as much out of it (if not more!) than new readers. I highly suggest that everyone check this one out. If y'all lived locally, I'd give a money-back guarantee on it.


    The Wolverine issue was better than most Wolverine comics, but isn't going to sell anyone on Wolverine that isn't already a fan.


    Marvel is using the ".1" numbering both as a gimmick to annoy indexers, AND as a smart marketing tool. And it's working, for both functions.


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  • I don't see how it can upset indexers. If it's, say, #500.1, you put it between #500 and #501. Now, #0 and # -1, that's annoying!
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