(1) How tied-in to the recent MCU films is BLACK PANTHER? I saw something indicating " the latest MCU films are setting up the next generation/second wave ", now that the original characters (and actor's contracts) have reached and gone beyond the trilogy mark. I don't need it to be totally stand-alone but I haven't gone to the MCU movies for a while. They seem to have not mentioned Stan or Jack in the publicity very much this time! (GRIN) Does Stan even have a cameo in it? Spoil that part for me, please.
(2) Two Saturdays ago I saw the Winter Olympics male-female iceskate duo contest on TV, on NBC, at about 9:10 in the evening Pacific Coast time there was a male-female couple (American, Caucasian, the woman was a blonde. the man had a blue turtleneck-type of shirt on))whose nice routine was cut off by the taqueria's TV automatically going off at closing time.so I didn't catch their names. Does anyone here know who they were? Does free NBC show any WO programming live or is it all shown on NBC cable, etc., channels first?
...Um ~ No one has anything to say about these?
Am I more unpopular than I thought:-(?
I didn't post this in the BP spoilers thread because I don't want it spoiled!
1) The BP movie is tied in to the MCU movies, specifically referencing events that took place in Captain America: Civil War which was BP's movie debut. The opening credits do say "based on stories by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby". Stan does make his customary cameo, in a pretty funny scene.
No idea on your second question.
2) Could have been Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue. I didn't have much luck matching up the time. I think some of free NBC was live. That's the only way I was watching, so I don't know about the other options.
I always read your posts. I usually respond to you, but this time I had no info on either question.
Yeah, I have no info on the Olympics question, either.
And, as others have already said, Black Panther is very heavily based in the MCU. All the Panther-related events in Civil War are pivotal here as well. Everett Ross, introduced in the third Cap movie, is in Panther. Klaue, introduced in Age of Ultron, is in Panther. So is another character whose cameo I won't spoil.
It does tell a big story that doesn't feature any of the Avengers, or New York City, or, honestly, Western civilization. It is Wakanda-centric, and there ain't nothing on earth like Wakanda -- more's the pity.
There are two Olympic figure skating sports for pair teams, pair skating and ice dancing. Wikipedia tells me one US pair took part in the pair skating event and three in the ice dancing event. The pair skaters were Chris Knierim and Alexa Scimeca Knierim. If it was the ice dancing event the pair was likely Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donahue given the woman's hair colour.
(much corrected)
...Thank you to all!
...Hazz Klaw binn rehtkahned into his new Monica in the funnybooks yet?
Captain Comics said: