My "Unread Books" pile is down to around twenty, so I'm getting antsy that I'll run out of things to read in the next few days, and these books look like potential candidates for future reading material. I'm not so much interested in the film(s) right now, although I wouldn't say "never" on that account, either. But for the moment, I would gladly receive opinions on the readability of the books, does anyone here have any.
Thank you, drive through.
I haven't read them, but I suspect they are the Alaister McClean/Dan Brown of their moment. Very popular right now, but no-one will want to look at them or acknowledge their existence in 20 years. I dunno. I suppose if you were going to read them, you should do it ASAP, is my point.
For myself, I'll be happy enough to see the movies. It'll take less time, for one thing. I can't imagine there would be much more to the books than is in the movies. Alaister McClean will be remembered for the great war movies based on his books rather than the books themselves, I think.
This is all conjecture, of course, just based on how damn POPULAR they are. Popular books tend to fit a certain profile and don't tend to age so well. I read a few chapters of Shirley Conran a while back. Blockbuster sales at the time, but wow, were they of their moment!
R they all out in "pocket book" as my dad used to put it-"mass market" paperback in the US?? It seemed like the last was only in a TPB.
I have them, but haven't read them yet. I started the first one, but the movie was still so fresh in my mind I bailed pretty early.
Ask Tracy.
Alaister McClean/Dan Brown
I'm pretty sure I've never read anything by either of these guys.
I have them but haven't read them. I tried reading the first one and it was kinda hard to get into, lots of detail. I had seen the movies first though, so I was wanting to get to the action. I will probably read them eventually though. I've seen all 3 Swedish films and the American version of the first novel.
Out of the movies, I think the American version is actually the best. Which is usually not always the case.
Jeff of Earth-J said:
Ask Tracy.
She says I should. Guess I gotta read 'em now. ;)
I did suggest you read the books. I would recommend the books for most adults.
I have read the trilogy twice. I have seen the American movie.
I have also read Dan Brown, not on hype, but because a friend recommended the book. I also saw the movie. However, I have not re-read the books, seen the second movie or bought the dvd.
I freely admit that I bought the first book before I knew much about it. Jeff mentioned that it was always on the top of the best seller list. It was prominatly displayed at my favorite book store. NPR was broadcasting book reviews during their one hour shows.
I read the back of the book and it sounded interesting. I devoured the book. I finished the book that weekend and had Jeff take me out for the next book within minutes. I bought the second and third books that day. I completed the trilogy within a week.
It was the writing and the story that kept me captivated, not the hype. I found the in-depth topics of each book engaging enough to enjoy the lesson. Remember that I work in Finance so those parts were interesting to me even if the rest of world found it dry.
I believe that these books will NOT be forgotten. I believe these books will resonate with a variety of readers for years to come.