Superman #700 had a very fun team-up story with Robin. Archie's "the man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E." was less of a Bond parody and more of an awesome throwback to the Bob Bolling days of Little Archie stories...huzzah! Jane Austen's new Marvel issue was out yesterday...she's an up-and-comer. The girls were very happy that the Phineas and Ferb comics hit the shop.
Man, I just looked at the list of this week's comics, and if I were still buying it would've been anything but a sparse week....Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Joe the Barbarian, X-Factor, X-Men Legacy, Zatanna...those would be my normal pulls, and if money weren't an issue, you could add Streets of Gotham, Return of Bruce Wayne, Superman, Thunderbolts....maybe Doctor Who, Angel, and The Incredibles....
Actually, it wasn't a sparse week for me at all. Six books: Superman, Detective, Legion, Zatanna, American Vampire, and Sea Bear and Grizzly Shark (the Grizzly Shark half is much better, IMO). And I liked JMS's opening chapter to his Superman premise so much (and since it's starting in Philly) that I'm planning to pick up the run! (Probably dropping Zatanna after issue 3 to accommodate it; it's fun, but it doesn't quite make the gotta-have list.)
I liked that first JMS chapter...but, man, Supes can't be in every oncologist's office in the world every day!
Oh, I think it's an unfair criticism... It's a similar argument to that famous Green Lantern scene. "You haven't helped me (or my people) because you've been so busy helping everybody!" Logically, it falls apart. But the point is that emotionally, it hits home. Both men get confronted with problems on a different scale than they're used to, and both go on journeys to adjust their perspective. I have a feeling the early Forrest Gump comparisons were off-base; this is Superman doing "Hard-Traveling Heroes."
And as someone who gets less and less impressed with every galaxy-spanning threat that comes down the pike, more human-scale stories sound like just what I want to read in Superman. For a while, at least.
I like the idea of "Grounded" in that it takes Superman back to his roots of more human-scale problems...very 30s-50s Superman. The set-up just seemed thin for a hero who has been at this game for a long time and I thought that JMS could have come up with a better starting point. He's a great writer, but his sentimentality can really get the better of him at times.
It's not logical but there you go.
Or I get 20 Micronauts comics from the 50c bin.
I dunno... sounds like Chuck Austen is using a pseudonym to get another shot at writing X-Men.
Baron, are you reading 20th Century Boys? It's at the halfway point and getting better and better.
Oh, I think it's an unfair criticism... It's a similar argument to that famous Green Lantern scene. "You haven't helped me (or my people) because you've been so busy helping everybody!" Logically, it falls apart. But the point is that emotionally, it hits home. Both men get confronted with problems on a different scale than they're used to, and both go on journeys to adjust their perspective. I have a feeling the early Forrest Gump comparisons were off-base; this is Superman doing "Hard-Traveling Heroes."
And as someone who gets less and less impressed with every galaxy-spanning threat that comes down the pike, more human-scale stories sound like just what I want to read in Superman. For a while, at least.