So, in the wake of the cancellation of Legion of Superheroes with August's issue 23, DC will soon be publishing Justice League 3000. (Presumably it's set in 3013, despite its title.) Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis, and drawn by Kevin Maguire, the character designs (by Howard Porter) can be seen at CBR. The lead characters all seem to be extrapolations of Justice Leaguers Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, and Green Lantern. 

The creative team is great, the costumes look great...but it will be weird to see the 31st century through the eyes of a group other than the Legion. (Presuming, of course, that these aren't Legionnaires in disguise...)

There's some speculation that the new Flash -- red-haired and green-eyed -- might finally be the retrurn of Wally West. DC giveth, and DC taketh away...

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  • I'll admit: I'm interested.  I love variant versions of the league, whether they're alternate worlds like Just Imagine or futuristic heirs like One Million. 

  • Yeah, I'm not really conflicted about this one at all. With the creative team involved, and those really nice designs (I love the GL and Flash looks!), I think it's potentially a great book. And I think that whether it succeeds or fails, the Legion will be back. I'm not going to begrudge one title for being itself just because it's not something else I like. 

  • To me, Flash looks like he's about to rob a train. However, I may have to pick this up. It looks like it's safely separated from the New 52. Plus, DeMatties, Giffen, and Maguire is a no-brainer.
  • ... a SPACE train!

  • I will probably be in. I like all of the costumes with the exception of Superman's. The texture looks too much like the current costume, and the chest symbol is terrible. Now if they had made it the Interlac "s" that would have been great.

  • Some new interviews shed a little (but not a lot) of light on the book. From what I gather, it's not a stealth Legion book... unless Giffen is lying, which he says they'll be doing a lot. So I don't really know what to think, except I'll be getting it regardless.



  • Gotta say I'm excited about that series now after reading the Newsarama article.
  • Cool! I'm definitely excited for it, too, but I really don't know what to make of it. In one interview, Giffen mentions that how these characters exist in the 31st century is a trick that *doesn't* involve time travel... and the first thing that leapt to mind were the computer simulations that were eventually revealed to be responsible for the old Haney "Super Sons" story... like, "What if Cyborg used his processing downtime to extrapolate a Justice League that would carry on 1,000 years from now?" I know that's a crazy idea, especially these days when stories have to "matter" -- but the book is tempting me with crazy ideas.

  • I almost wonder if Giffen won't be bringing back the idea he used to bring the "old" Legion back while keeping the "new" Legion of 1992. Were you reading when they pulled the "SW6 Batch" idea?

    I loved that idea at the time. And I loved it so much that I wouldn't be opposed to it coming back again. Of course, that is one of my "formative years" reading experiences, so it's very much my Golden Age.

    And it's not like Wally West would be new to the whole time travel thing. Who knows, maybe that will involve him somehow also.

  • Oh, yeah, I've been reading Legion pretty consistently since 1977. The SW6 Legion running around with the other made for some wild, somewhat confusing times. I did like em, though! And yeah, I could see those sorts of clones coming to the fore again -- and the possibility of Wally West showing up is even better!

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