The Comic Book Cover Story

I haven't seen this discussed, but it's a few weeks old, so I may've missed it...


The podcast Coverville, which is a music show of all cover songs, did a special Free Comic Book Day episode, The Comic Book Cover Story. I'm a bit behind in my podcasts, so I'm just getting to it today, but it is a ton of fun. Covers of "Sunshine Superman" and "Kryptonite", of the "Spider-Man", "Incredible Hulk", and "X-Men" themes, and more.


Check it out!

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  • Oh, wow -- I haven't listened to Coverville in a while -- thanks for pointing this one out!
  • Listening to it now.  I'd previously been impressed with Michael Buble's Big Band version of the Spider-man theme, but I suspect he lifted it from the guys who play first on this programme.


    That's a nice Celtic twist they put into Sunshine Superman.


    Great programme, Alan.  Thanks.


    Everyone else will love this, I think.

  • Listening to it now. Pretty cool. The Cardigans take on Iron Man is interesting but I still prefer Black Sabbath's version.
  • Just found out that the Cardigans started out as a Black Sabbath cover band, cool.

    Jason Marconnet said:
    Listening to it now. Pretty cool. The Cardigans take on Iron Man is interesting but I still prefer Black Sabbath's version.
  • I had to pause the program for a while. I just finished it. It's a pretty cool podcast.
  • ...I haven't , really , the time to listed now...I presume you mean the Bixby/Ferrigno " I. Hulk " series ?

      The five different series that ran within/under the ( infamously ) super-limited animation " Marvel Super-Heroes " TV series of the mid-Sixties , Hulk , Sub-Mariner , Iron Man , Captain America , and The Mighty Thor , all had the massive ( -sounding ) massed chorus-sung , sort of " big band/orchestral , theme songs that might sound incredibly crazy/weird to those under 40- , 35 , or so , I would suppose...

      I've been remembering the Thor one:-)..." From the blooming gates of Asgard/where the ( something something ) roar/You'll behold in breathless wonder??/the God of Thunder - Miigghhttyy Thoorr !!!..."

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