This announcement is not designed to carry the same weight as Cap’s “The Day I Stopped Reading Spider-Man” (I didn’t start reading Superman until John Byrne’s post-Crisis Man of Steel limited series), but I have bought and read two or three (and often four or more) Superman titles every month for the last 25 years. I haven’t always enjoyed them, but the completist in me wouldn’t allow me to stop. I decided Action Comics #900 was a nice round number, though, and finally decided to call it quits. The Superman I really want to read, that of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, has not yet been reprinted in its entirety in archival format, and doesn’t look as if it’s going to be any time soon. But there are plenty of good, classic Superman stories I have not read which have been reprinted, so I’m going to resolve to start reading some of those. You might say the day I stopped reading Superman is the day I started reading Superman.

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  • I feel you, Jeff. I reached my "I Can't Stand It Any More!" point with Superman back during the "Death of Clark Kent" storyline. I've come back from time to time, but never for a long, sustained run.
  • ...Okay , so you'd decided before Action #900 hit the stands , so , it wasn't about " THAT " comment made by Supes in a certain back-up ?????????

      Action #900's main story does end upon a cliff-hanger , actually...

  • No, I assure you my decision had nothing to do with Superman's renunciation of his American citizenship. I actually made this decision some months ago and have alluded to it several times recently. Yes, I know Action Comics #900 is the middle of a story, but I didn't buy the chapters leading up to it and you know what? There's always going to be another story around the bend. Gotta draw the line somewhere. :)
  • ...First , briefly , even though I agree that the best Silver-and-into-Bronze moments of that type are excellent...I like the present ACTION and SUPERMAN and at this time intend to keep buying both !
  • Alexandra describes the Silver Age Superman comics I loved, where the Man of Steel was the only adult in the room, supervising Jimmy, Lois, Lex and all those other madcap children. And sometimes even he did silly things!

    Alexandra Kitty said:

    I have not read Supes for a good long time -- I love my Superman light-hearted and fun -- a mad-cap escapade where absurd and impossible obstacles just sort of amuse him, but you can trust him to do the right thing, have infinite patience with Lois, Jimmy, and even Lex Luthor, and just not take himself so seriously.


    That's why I love the Silver Age version so much -- he could be absolutely appalling and find humor where you raise an eyebrow, but you always knew he'd come through for people and always had time for what mattered the most.


    I have not clicked with the character in a very long time. I have respect for the wink and the nudge -- in all the craziness, Supes and the reader know it's all some silly joke, and the reason it was a joke was the villains were all taking themselves and their issues seriously, and Supes went along for the wild ride, marrying Jimmy Olsen to a crabby gorilla just to keep things in perspective... banana.gif

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