The Lizard Wins!

In "Amazing Spider-Man" #630-632 AKA "Shed", Curt Connors is completely engulfed by the Lizard inside him. The Lizard has mutated, becoming stronger, smarter and able to cause people to regress to their primitive instincts. The Lizard wins because he kills Curt's son, Billy, who was the anchor of Curt's humanity. It is a tragic end to a character who has been around since #6. It also prevents any redemption for Curt Connors if he is able to return. He will not and cannot  be able to live with himself.


Curt Connors was a good, brave man who made a horrible mistake by experimenting on himself in order to regain the arm he lost in the war. He was transformed into the Lizard and became a menace. Luckily Spider-Man was able to save and continued to save him from future episodes. There were other Lizard-like beings: the Iguana, Stegron the Dinosaur Man and Komodo but the Lizard always returned. This recent story is powerful, dramatic, poignant and could be the last one.


How can the Lizard be allowed to live after its heinous actions? Curt Connors has lost, Billy Connors has lost, Spider-Man has lost. The Lizard wins but for how long?

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  • The scene where Billy is killed is one of the single most disturbing scene's I've ever read, certainly the single most disturbing super-hero scene. Disturbing, but totally well-written and believable.

    In the end, after what Peter did to stop the Lizard, I don't think we can say that the Lizard has won either. Lose/lose/lose/lose.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's much better now!

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • First fo all .... SPOILERS!

    I'm reading these in trades and I'm about 6mths - 1 year behind.

    Second of all:

    This recent story is powerful, dramatic, poignant and could be the last one.

    Dream on. What matters is that this team of writers wrote it as if it was the last one, which probably gives it what power it has.

    The Lizard will be back on the hamster wheel before long...

    I was surprised they brought him back so soon after.... whenever the last time was. He couldn't have stayed away long enough for me. He's very hackneyed old villain whose adventures are always one-note, and obviously they decided they had to turn him up to eleven or keep him in limbo.

    Did Slott write this story? He's a great writer.
  • "Lizard on the hamster wheel, pickin' out dough,
    Lizard on the hamster wheel, pickin, out dough,
    Lizard on the hamster wheel, pickin' out dough,
    Skip to my Lou, my darlin'!"
  • What the hell does "skip to my Lou" mean, anyhow?
  • Maybe they gotta go real bad, and it's "skip to my loo"...
  • Or they're skipping over to Tintin's dog, and it's "skip to Milou"...
  • For that matter, what the hell was the chicken doing in the bread pan, anyway? That's unsanitary!
  • What I always liked about the Lizard was how Curt Connors was always wearing the same outfit when he turned into the Lizard - he must of bought them purple pants at the same outlet store where the Hulk bought his. Just once, they should of done a story where Connors transformed while wearing denim shorts and a "No Fat Chicks" tee shirt.
  • The Baron said:
    What the hell does "skip to my Lou" mean, anyhow?

    The "Lou" in the context of this song comes from the Scots loo, meaning "love". "Skip To My Lou" is traditionally a partner-stealing circle dance (kind of like square dancing), and so the ladies would "skip" to their next "love" during the course of the song.


  • Did Slott write this story? He's a great writer.

    Nope, Zeb Wells.
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