Good lord is the art in Detective Comics amazing...Williams makes panel viewpoint choices...and if you've read it, you know what I'm talking about.
I'm catching up on Matt Fraction's Iron Man with the second collection...the comeback of Tony Stark begins and it's great.
Osborn is eventually going to have Tony, Steve, and Thor gunning for him...I almost feel sorry for him.
I got an even half-dozen comics this past Wednesday, and I enjoyed them all, some more than others. In the order that I read them...
Wonder Woman #34 was a vestigial pull; I had meant to drop it off my list after the interminable "Rise of the Olympian" failed to wow me, but forgot. And now I'm thinking...I'm kinda glad I forgot. I think Rob S. mentioned elsewhere that there's nothing particularly new explored in this issue, but I thought the writing was fun, and Gail Simone made the new status quo interesting to me in a way that getting to that status quo wasn't. So while I didn't particularly enjoy the ride getting here, I think I'll stick with this one for a little bit longer.
I continue to love the art in Detective Comics #855, for both the lead and background stories. I don't have a lot to say beyond that right now, as this seemed to be Rucka getting pieces into place,, love that art. (I am curious to learn about the hallucination Batwoman had — what exactly happened to her, I wonder...)
Dark Reign: Young Avengers #3 is coming together better; I was left a little confused by the first issue, and the second issue, while better, still suffered I think from that residual confusion. But in this issue I actually understood who all the new characters are and (more or less) what their powers are, so I'm calling that a win. The only thing that strikes me is that, Marvel has been so steadfast about keeping away from doing a new Young Avengers series until Allan Heinberg can do it his way, that I seriously doubt this mini will result in any of these new characters (the sympathetic ones, anyhow) actually coming to anything in the team.
I got a two-fer when the shop was able to get me Dark Reign: The Hood #s 2 and 3; you may recall, #2 was sold out when I got to the shop last month, and decided to let the series go...well, I changed my mind later, and my shop was able to hook me up. And I'm glad they did; Jeff Parker has captured the characterizations from Brian Vaughan's original The Hood pretty well, and it's nice to see that Parker Robbins (and supporting cast) connected with the crimeboss who's been turning up in Bendis's New Avengers. In these two issues, we meet up with Satanna and learn that Dormmamu's quite fond of having access to our dimension, and isn't about to let a little thing like Parker giving up the hood stop him from getting it. Good stuff!
War of Kings: Ascension #4 was probably the weakest of the bunch. I still enjoyed it, in part because of my only marginally rational fondness for Darkhawk, but the ending seemed a little too...pat. And I would've liked to see his Skrull ally stick around a little longer... I'm curious to see what they'll do with Darkhawk from here, though. Do they actually think he can handle his own series again? Hmmm....
Good lord is the art in Detective Comics amazing...Williams makes panel viewpoint choices...and if you've read it, you know what I'm talking about.
The one where we get a... specific... view* of Batwoman from an interesting point of view blew me away. Not just in the unprecedented viewpoint choice, but in how that choice was used to actually advancethe story.
I find myself rereading Detective Comics since the relaunch. And I never have time to reread stuff.
* Not in a naughty way, I'm just being coy to avoid spoiling it. I haven't figured out a clever way to hide spoilers... yet!
I meant to reply to this thread each week with what I got... and encourage others to, too. Oops!
Okay, resurrecting it...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #28 — This issue did one of the things that Jane Espenson does well: revealing a lot of information, turning subtext into text, and doing it in a fun way. The conceit of the episode (Andrew doing another video documentary of the group) doesn't translate quite as well to print as I think Espenson was hoping it would, but it still worked for me. And I saw where that discussion between Xander and Dawn was leading right away...
Exiles #6 — Jeff Parker wrapped this series up well, laying a lot of pipe to explain what he was hoping would've unfolded over time. It definitely felt very information-dense, though. It's too bad we won't get to see where this story would've gone, but I enjoyed the all-too-brief ride while it lasted.
And that's all I got this week! What'd you guys get?
The Marvel Masterworks edition featuring Joe Maneely's Black Knight and Jack Kirby's Yellow Claw is a thing of beauty to behold. The DC Comics Classics Library edition of George Perez's JLA is nothing to sneeze at, either.
I got Daring Mystery Comics #1, Mystic Comics #1, and Wednesday Comics #9. I haven't read any of them yet. I think this ends the 70th Anniversary Specials. After next week's Captain Britain TPB, I may be done with Marvel for a while.
Strange Tales - This was quite a bit of fun. Anytime you get Paul Pope doing a Lockjaw story is a good time. Jason's Spider-Man tale about Pete trying to get into a bar fight had a good "punch" line (Haw! Haw!) The MODOK story was silly...but sad. Peter Bagge seems to like Bruce Banner and the Hulk a lot more than he liked Spider-Man as jade jaws is treated much better by him. Dash Shaw's Doctor Strange was my favorite, though...I would actually buy a Doc Strange monthly by him.
I'm catching up on Matt Fraction's Iron Man with the second collection...the comeback of Tony Stark begins and it's great.
Osborn is eventually going to have Tony, Steve, and Thor gunning for him...I almost feel sorry for him.
Wonder Woman #34 was a vestigial pull; I had meant to drop it off my list after the interminable "Rise of the Olympian" failed to wow me, but forgot. And now I'm thinking...I'm kinda glad I forgot. I think Rob S. mentioned elsewhere that there's nothing particularly new explored in this issue, but I thought the writing was fun, and Gail Simone made the new status quo interesting to me in a way that getting to that status quo wasn't. So while I didn't particularly enjoy the ride getting here, I think I'll stick with this one for a little bit longer.
I continue to love the art in Detective Comics #855, for both the lead and background stories. I don't have a lot to say beyond that right now, as this seemed to be Rucka getting pieces into place,, love that art. (I am curious to learn about the hallucination Batwoman had — what exactly happened to her, I wonder...)
Dark Reign: Young Avengers #3 is coming together better; I was left a little confused by the first issue, and the second issue, while better, still suffered I think from that residual confusion. But in this issue I actually understood who all the new characters are and (more or less) what their powers are, so I'm calling that a win. The only thing that strikes me is that, Marvel has been so steadfast about keeping away from doing a new Young Avengers series until Allan Heinberg can do it his way, that I seriously doubt this mini will result in any of these new characters (the sympathetic ones, anyhow) actually coming to anything in the team.
I got a two-fer when the shop was able to get me Dark Reign: The Hood #s 2 and 3; you may recall, #2 was sold out when I got to the shop last month, and decided to let the series go...well, I changed my mind later, and my shop was able to hook me up. And I'm glad they did; Jeff Parker has captured the characterizations from Brian Vaughan's original The Hood pretty well, and it's nice to see that Parker Robbins (and supporting cast) connected with the crimeboss who's been turning up in Bendis's New Avengers. In these two issues, we meet up with Satanna and learn that Dormmamu's quite fond of having access to our dimension, and isn't about to let a little thing like Parker giving up the hood stop him from getting it. Good stuff!
War of Kings: Ascension #4 was probably the weakest of the bunch. I still enjoyed it, in part because of my only marginally rational fondness for Darkhawk, but the ending seemed a little too...pat. And I would've liked to see his Skrull ally stick around a little longer... I'm curious to see what they'll do with Darkhawk from here, though. Do they actually think he can handle his own series again? Hmmm....
Doc Beechler said:
The one where we get a... specific... view* of Batwoman from an interesting point of view blew me away. Not just in the unprecedented viewpoint choice, but in how that choice was used to actually advance the story.
I find myself rereading Detective Comics since the relaunch. And I never have time to reread stuff.
* Not in a naughty way, I'm just being coy to avoid spoiling it. I haven't figured out a clever way to hide spoilers... yet!
I guess I could hide spoilers like this (Highlight to view!):
It's the best idea I've had for Spoilers so far. What do you think?
Rosebud was his sled.
Who's sled, now?
Okay, resurrecting it...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #28 — This issue did one of the things that Jane Espenson does well: revealing a lot of information, turning subtext into text, and doing it in a fun way. The conceit of the episode (Andrew doing another video documentary of the group) doesn't translate quite as well to print as I think Espenson was hoping it would, but it still worked for me. And I saw where that discussion between Xander and Dawn was leading right away...
Exiles #6 — Jeff Parker wrapped this series up well, laying a lot of pipe to explain what he was hoping would've unfolded over time. It definitely felt very information-dense, though. It's too bad we won't get to see where this story would've gone, but I enjoyed the all-too-brief ride while it lasted.
And that's all I got this week! What'd you guys get?