Some more not so random thoughts while I slaved over a hot order form.
- I am picking up Star Wars: Knight Errant. I prefer my Star Wars comics to have more realistic art over the cartoony. One of the few that makes a difference for me
- A Bettie Page Striptease Pen? ooh-la-la!
- I saw there is an appearance by the New Guardians, are these the old New Guardians from the late-'80s or are there new New Guardians? I am assuming the later.
- There are 9 one-shots for Bruce Wayne: The Road Home, that will run you $28.91 for all of them.
- I know less people who read Azrael than Magog.
- I do love the Legion, but even their appearance in Supergirl won't get me to buy the annual.
- Am I really that excited to see Marc Guggenheim on JSA or just Bill Willingham leaving?
- I like the idea of the DC Comics Presents trades, but I would think a slow roll out would sell better than dumping a bunch on us in one month.
- As I pondered how well video game comics sell, I also wonder how well movie tie-ins sell as well.
- Yee-ha! Another Darwyn Cooke Parker book! I think I peed myself.
- I'm not the biggest Star Trek fan, but the Khan and Capt. Jellico comics do intrigue me. I'll try to find them on the cheap later.
- I think the Walking Dead push is perfectly timed.
- I wonder how well Image's decision to put their trades at the front of their listing is going to work out? A neat idea.
- Another Pilot Season is being rolled out, but to make it a weekly thing is asking a lot out of the consumers. Monthly yes. Weekly, pass.
- Wolverine is on another team!? Wow, just, wow.
- Oh goody, Carnage is back.
- Only 4 Deadpool comics, come on Marvel what's going on? Oh wait he is in Uncanny X-Force as well, so thats 5.
- Dave Lapham and Kyle Baker together on a series. Awesome! Wait, is it another Deadpool book? Change the number above to 6 (that is more like it Marvel). I must have really been bad in a past life.
- I've never seen it before, but I do like the idea of Pinocchio Vampire Slayer. I am gonna have to track the first book down.
- I was never a fan, but I do like that Lady Death is back for those who are.
- I don't always stick around, but I will check out Dynamite's Warlord of Mars dollar comic.
- Another Green Hornet mini? Alright.
- Seems weird that both Marvel and Disney Press are putting out Tron comics.
- I love that Top 10 Deadliest Sharks is being put out by Zenescope Comics and the Discovery Channel.
Flash#7 with Captain Boomerang-maybe some answers
At least the Bruce Wayne one-shots are $2.99
Batman: Hidden Treasures may be the sleeper of the month
Knight & Squire good luck with that
Death in Action could be bad, could be great
the return of Ragman. His original series should be collected!
Tiny Titans/Little Archie--WHAT is going on at Archie???
I have the first volume of Pinocchio checked out from the library but haven't read it yet.
Yes, the Batman fans will be reluctant to bite. We all like what we know...
But speaking to the content of the series itself, I've a feeling Cornell will fumble the ball creatively anyway.
His do-over of Captain Britain took a hero that Moore and Davis and Claremont had cast as a bewildered straightman looking at a surreal Alice-in-Wonderland world through the bottom of a whiskey tumbler and made him a straightlaced soldier protecting Britain from very prosaic threats. Vampires and Skrulls are just a step up from Al Quaida and the Cosa Nostra in the MU. There's an ernestness and a literalness to his work that dragged Captain Britain down.
I think he will do the same to Morrison's interestingly off-kilter heroes. True we haven't seen much of them so far, really, but the little glimpses made them look fun, whereas I've a feeling Cornell will bring them down to Earth with a thump.
In The Ultramarines Corps story that led into Seven Soldiers, Knight had a very un-PC sparring relationship with the Irish nationalist hero Jack O'Lantern where each labeled the other in stereotyped terms. Stupid Paddy/Stuck-up Sassanach etc. Morrison didn't even bother to show us whether they genuinely didn't like each other because they have comepletely different worldviews, or if it was just how they showed their affection for each other. Friendships do sometimes turn on these kind of half-joking roles.
I don't see Cornell carrying that level of nuance into his stories.
Batman: Hidden Treasures may be the sleeper of the month
OOh! Looks tasty! I already have the Batman/Swamp Thing story in a few different versions, but I might order this all the same.
PInocchio Vampire Slayer? Sure, why not. But if you want a REALLY scary take on it, check out this multi-part blog: Yes... Disney Zombies. And for my money (well, it was free, but I'm makin' a point here!), it was quite good. And it may give you nightmares... it certainly gave me one or two.
Nine one-shorts for Bruce Wayne? Gee, and here I thought he would STAY dead. This is like all the additional crap Marvel or DC put out for their annual company wide crossovers. I don't suppose anyone thought of using that talent to create, like, good original work, maybe?
Wolverine on another team... crap, I thought he was already in every comic except "Batman: The Brave and the Bold". That character must be an absolute GOLD MINE... I wonder if Len Wein and Herb Trimpe see any of that money...?
And four Deadpool comics? Crapburgers, why doesn't Marvel just whore it up and release a weekly "Wolverine-Deadpool Team-Up" book and be done with it?
Knight & Squire - I think the mini will act, probably, as a longer intro for the characters as they become part of Morrison's Batman, Inc. I'm looking forward to it.
What other team is Wolverine on? If you're talking about X-Force, that team has been going for awhile and is just relaunching after Second Coming. X-Force, if you don't mind a bit of blood, has been a very strong title.
Holly is pretty excited about the Ratchet and Clank mini from DC.
So many #1s yet not very interesting.
Carnage is back and after Iron Man (?) if they put this out next year, would he be after Thor?
Avengers Vs Pet Avengers looks like fun but could be to much exposure
Chaos War well, Hercules wasn't dead for long, was he ?
Dark Daredevil-- dangerous to the MU but more to the character
The Thing becomes Ben Grimm again, and again, and again!
Black Panther -- never liked the female one
A LOT of Thor titles including a Loki mini so he'll be back soon!
Namor as an X-title--weird!
Superior--yet another Marvel Superman homage/take off/parody-maybe they should try to licence him!
Atlantis Attacks Omnibus-is this really necessary? I'm sure you could buy all those annuals for under $75!
Thor Vs Hercules TPB-tempting!
Essential Ghost Rider Vol. 4--that last issues were great and well worth rereading
Well, sure. But some people like the hardcover omnibus format, and there are plenty of people who don't want the hassle of tracking down the back issues on eBay or in stores and conventions. Which is reason enough to collect it, I suppose. "Necessary" seems like too high a bar to set for collections of old comics.
That said, on the list of collections that I don't have that I want, this doesn't even scratch the top 50. I might by a collection of Peter David & Esteban Maroto's Atlantis Chronicles, though.