Alright here we go for comics and other things that will arrive in the month of June.
1. I love the "Before Watchmen" cover on this issue of Previews. So simple, and everyone knows what it is for.
2. Marvel & DC are only Silver Sponsors for FCBD? Cheapskates.
3. Dark Horse is rebooting Ghost I see.
4. Kind of surprised to see another Knight Errant mini. I've like them, but their sales haven't been so good.
5. Alan Moore's whining about "Before Watchmen" actually make me want to get them more
6. Tony Akins is doing another fill-in on Wonder Woman. I wish he could get a regular gig again.
7. I don't think what Aquaman is wielding can be called a trident any more. A pendent?
8. Looks like Green Arrow is starting to grow some facial hair.
9. Gregg Hurwitz is taking over writing duties on Batman: Dark Knight. I liked his short lived Moon Knight series.
10. It has a creepy cover too.
11. That's right Francesco Francavilla's art will get me to pick-up Swamp Thing.
12. Liefeld, Lobo, and Deathstroke? What's not to love?
13. I nominate Grifter as the best Liefeld cover this month, by a mile. I genuinely like it
14. ALERT: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez is doing the art in the All-Star Western back-up.
15. Absolute Batman and Robin for you Morrison fans.
16. My admiration of the current Wonder Woman series has led me to get the "12 Labors" trade.
17. I never noticed that the Gears of War comic made it to issue 24 (last issue though). Pretty good for a video game adaptation. No Sonic though.
18. And an Invisibles omnibus for you Morrisonians.
19. 55 covers for the Mars Attacks series? My head just exploded.
20. I'd like to get that Dave Stevens book, but I'm gonna have to wait for it. Looks great.
21. McFarlane returns to write Spawn, eh?
22. Am I the only one who misses Iron Fist's high collar?
23. I also miss Hawkeye's old costume
24. I'm not sure about the new Dark Avengers, but I trust Jeff Parker enough to give it a shot.
25. I love the look of Betty Brant on that Venom cover.
26. The new Iron Man suit reminds of the look Buck Rogers was throwing down in his Dynamite series.
27. I see that Deadpool cover and I wonder how man times Marvel can do an homage to those Steranko Nick Fury covers.
28. Icon is just about Mark Millar's own imprint.
29. Silver Surfer bottle opener? I love it.
30. Nice to see Ant Man get the Season 1 treatment.
31. Taking a break to make dinner.
32. Has anyone tried one of AC Comics "Golden Age Greats Spotlight" books?
33. I am getting zombied out, but I love the Hateful Dead shirt.
34. After a long internet presence a Bleeding Cool magazine seems like a weird step.
35. It looks like Blue Water is doing a lot of non-bio comics.
36. I'm intrigued by Fantagraphics new EC reprint series.
37. Is Kochak a big enough draw to warrant a $60 book?
38. Sorry New Valiant still nothing draws me in yet.
39. A bit early for 2013 calendars isn't it?
40. Black Widow perfume and Tiger cologne (MJ saying it to Peter) are your scents of the month.
I've been through #283 and made my choices, but I haven't yet filled in the form for my pre-orders. For now I will simply mention that Tracy and I discussed the Silver Surfer bottle opener. I liked it, but she thought such an item beneath the Surfer's dignity. Personally, I think her real objection is that she doesn't want to hear me say, "To me my board!" every time I want to open a beer.
Divorce counseling.
ARCHIE ARCHIVES Vol. 6: There’s a lot of good Archie product available these days. I limit myself to newspaper strip reprints and (of course) the “Archives” series.
WONDER WOMAN: THE 12 LABORS TPB: Do you know how long I have been waiting for this? Do you!?
ARTIST’S EDITIONS: I’ve known all along that these would be limited by which comics can be assembled in their entirety as original art. Furthermore, the artist must be top-notch to justify the price tag. So far all of the projects have met these criteria, but I knew IDW would run out of viable candidates at some point (for example, we’ll probably never see a Jack Kirby “artist edition” because his original pages are spread far and wide), I just hoped it would be later rather than sooner. Sergio Aragones’ Groo the Wanderer? Really? Aragones is a fine cartoonist, but I can’t see that Groo the Wander rates this kind of package. Some of his MAD magazine work, maybe, but this solicitation doesn’t even say which (four) issues are being reprinted.
On the other hand, Titan Books is releasing their own “artist edition” of Archie Goodwin and Walt Simonson’s adaptation of the movie Alien. Now that’s more like it! YMMV
X-9:SECRET AGENT CORRIGAN: More Archie Goodwin, this time with the inimitable Al Williamson. By my count, there will probably be one more volume of their tenure on the long-running (1934-1996) comic strip.
FANTAGRAPHICS: The first two of their widely anticipated series of EC reprints (“Came the Dawn” and Other Stories featuring the work of Wally Wood and others, and “Corpse in the Imjin!” and Other Stories featuring the work of Harvey Kurtzman and others), as well as a third volume of Captain Easy Sundays.
THE COMPLETE PHANTOM: THE GOLD KEY YEARS, Vol. 2: Solicited for August 1st release. Yeah, right. I’ll believe that when I see it. Volume 1 of “The King Years” (solicited for February 1st) hasn’t even shipped yet.
SKY MASTERS OF THE SPACE FORCE, Vol. 1: Here’s another for the “I’ll believe it when I see it” file. This Jack Kirby/Wally Wood comic strip masterpiece has been advertised and solicited and subsequently pulled so often I’ve lost track.
LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN III: CENTURY #3: 2009: I stopped following after volume two so I’ve missed 1910 and 1969. Did I err?
WONDER WOMAN: THE 12 LABORS TPB: Do you know how long I have been waiting for this? Do you!?
An hour?
It took me years to collect those WW issues and I am very glad to see them in one volume for a reasonable price. I wrote a little about #212 here.
As for League: Century, while there are flashes of brilliance, there are also Moore's currect fondness of overt sexuality and depravity. It may be too much of the same thing! Also it depends on how much you know (or want to know) about British media/publishing/minutia. But all-in-all, if you enjoyed the previous volumes, you should enjoy this one as well.
Regarding LoEG, Jeff, and the stuff that followed Vol II, YMM definitely V, but on paper, some of it may be to your liking.
The Black Dossier was a mixture of various quite clever small pieces with a narrative throughline of Alan Q and Mina being chased by James Bond through a 50's England recovering from a short period under Big Brother's totalitarian regime.
Included was a C16th Shakespearean pastiche and a funny blend of Lovecraft and Jeeves and Wooster. Nothing since vol II has had the strong narrative that that book had, but there's more intertextual games and the exploration of the fantasy England of our pop-lit culture.
1910 was the weakest book yet in my view. Nemo's daughter returns to London. Apparently it is in the style of the Threepenny Opera, about which I am blissfully ignorant. Really it sets up the final 2 books of Vol III, and may read better as part of the complete Vol III. There is a very obvious and inevitable sexual assualt in it which I hated, and which colours my view of the book.
1969 mixes the Harry Potter mythos with urban folklore about the connections between British rock stars (The Stones, mainly), occultism and Kray Twins era London Gangsters.
If any of the above isn't recogniseable to you, then there might be fun in learning a bit about them through the books. Moore explores some absolutely fascinating corners of English culture.
I have a feeling Vol III: Century will work much better, and read better, when collected together. You'd probably be best to wait until that happens now. It looks like 2009 will work best as a wrap up of the storyline begun in 1910 and 1969. Don't get it on its own.
Far from erring, I think you might have taken the best route to enjoyment of Vol III, if you are going to read it at all. There will definitely be some extras when it is collected into one nice hardback!
(Cross-posted with Philip there.)
Michael Caine's character from the movie 'Get Carter' is also in 1969. I loved the movie so got a kick out of his role in it.
WW: When I was a kid, I had only some of those issues. About 10 years ago I made a concentrated effort to acquire them all as backissues, but the ones I found were priced higher than I was willing to spend. That, I I still didn’t find them all. Now the entire story can be had for less than the price of one of the originals. Plus, the entire “Diana Rigg” era is available in tpb, too, leading into it.
LoEG: I am going through something of an Alan Moore phase right now, especially his more “recent” stuff as well as things I’ve never read. Working my way through the “Alan Moore in the DCU” hardcover right now; from there I plan to re-read his run on Supreme; after that, LoEG maybe, if my mood holds. I like the suggestion about waiting for the inevitable collection at this point.