Those of you who remember it will recall the Earth-44 timeline from the old site and may well - if you didn't have alot going on - have stopped and thought, "Gee, I wonder if what's-his-monkey will be re-posting that timeline of his on the new board?" At first, I figured I probably wouldn't be, as it seemed to me that the format of the new board would make it difficult to maintain and update something as large and unwieldy as it had become, However, Dagwan came up with some extremely clever ideas about how it might be made to work, which he posted in this thread here. I still haven't decided whether to post the timeline on this new board or not - is there alot of interest in having the timeline on the new board? What do you think of Dagwan's idea? it would still be a fair amount of effort to transfer and set up the thing on the new board, and I wanted to get a sense of what folks interest level was, and, also, how the mods' felt about it - maybe there's reasons they might have as to whether or not it would be a good idea, reasons that wouldn't necessarily occur to me. Anyway, don't be shy or worry about hurting my feelings either way. I've got a good copy of it, and thus can use it to amuse myself whether I post it here or not. It's a funny thing - when the switch to the new obard was first posited, I was upset that we were not going to be able to have access to the old threads here. I suppose I still am, a little. But, I've saved copies of all of the stuff I most hated to lose, and there's a part of me that wonders if, since we are going to have a new board, whether it's a good idea or not to load said new board with loads of detritus from the old board. I don't know, what do you folks think? In the meanwhile, I've had an idea for something that I am hopeful will be interesting/amusing, and which is designed to be inherently much more limited in scale (and thus more manageable) than the old timeline was, and if I can get that presentable, maybe you'll see that in the interim...

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  • Oh, and regardless - a big "Thank you!" to Dagwan for his input and enthusiasm! You're all brain and all heart at the same time, man!
  • YES!
  • You know my answer already.

    I haven't read the entire timeline (gotta read comics sometime!), but I really enjoyed looking at the updates you did and see what other stuff those updates changed.

    "You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I'll bet he was glad to get rid of it." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • But of course!
  • Stick it up. But I'd vote for keeping the timeline in the opening post so it's editable, and putting your updates in the comments.

    I was wondering about whether to bring stuff over from the other board too. It is a fact that a community like ours has kind of thrashed out a lot of issues already and there's few topics where we can't just refer each other to previously stated positions and arguments in older threads.

    An argument could be made for a complete moratorium on reposts from the old board on that basis. This would also make any new members feel that they are taking part in current discussions rather than just butting in at the tail end of discussions largely resolved long ago. Already I've seen discussions cut short by people referring to earlier conclusions, and posters positing that some position is the right one because apparently we all agreed to this at some point before, (when I was in the pub, perhaps!)

    It might help to make a fresh start here.

    I'm just saying the argument could be made. Its just occurred to me. The alternative might be the slow death I've seen happening on other boards that have been around a long time.

    But of course, that is only about discussions. Something that is obviously an ever-evolving thesis like your timeline, which would otherwise have no home after the old board vanishes, should be continued here.
  • Figserello said:
    Stick it up. But I'd vote for keeping the timeline in the opening post so it's editable, and putting your updates in the comments.

    I was wondering about whether to bring stuff over from the other board too. It is a fact that a community like ours has kind of thrashed out a lot of issues already and there's few topics where we can't just refer each other to previously stated positions and arguments in older threads.

    An argument could be made for a complete moratorium on reposts from the old board on that basis. This would also make any new members feel that they are taking part in current discussions rather than just butting in at the tail end of discussions largely resolved long ago. Already I've seen discussions cut short by people referring to earlier conclusions, and posters positing that some position is the right one because apparently we all agreed to this at some point before, (when I was in the pub, perhaps!)

    It might help to make a fresh start here.

    I'm just saying the argument could be made. Its just occurred to me. The alternative might be the slow death I've seen happening on other boards that have been around a long time.

    But of course, that is only about discussions. Something that is obviously an ever-evolving thesis like your timeline, which would otherwise have no home after the old board vanishes, should be continued here.

    Well, it does occur to me that when we moved from the Old Old Board to the Old Board, we didn't re-post a whole lot. Actually, there were a few things from the Old Old Board that I wish I had saved. At least this time I had the chance to save a bunch of my favorites.

    Hopefully, any new folks won't feel too oppressed by the weight of history. Heck, I've been posting here since about 1200 B.C., and I still feel a bit of a noob, sometimes.
  • Are ya kidding? Post it!
  • So far, at least, response has been positive - thanks, all! I'm leaning towards Dagwan's idea of creating a "Timeline" group, just so as not to clutter up the general fora. I'll leave it be for today, and, if there are no objections or counter suggestions by then, I'll set to work.
  • As to the Baron's question, I certainly am in favor of him bringing the timeline over.

    But Figserello makes some interesting points:

    Figserello said:
    Stick it up. But I'd vote for keeping the timeline in the opening post so it's editable, and putting your updates in the comments.
    I was wondering about whether to bring stuff over from the other board too. It is a fact that a community like ours has kind of thrashed out a lot of issues already and there's few topics where we can't just refer each other to previously stated positions and arguments in older threads.
    An argument could be made for a complete moratorium on reposts from the old board on that basis. This would also make any new members feel that they are taking part in current discussions rather than just butting in at the tail end of discussions largely resolved long ago. Already I've seen discussions cut short by people referring to earlier conclusions, and posters positing that some position is the right one because apparently we all agreed to this at some point before, (when I was in the pub, perhaps!)

    It might help to make a fresh start here.

    I'm just saying the argument could be made. Its just occurred to me. The alternative might be the slow death I've seen happening on other boards that have been around a long time.

    I wouldn't be in favor of a moratorium on older posts, if only because I very much like being able to refer to them, and frequently do link to things that have been said before. I find that the information in those old threads informs conversation, and I believe that is a service to all, new and old members alike.

    That said, I'm figuring out how much to bring over, be it entire threads, favorite posts within threads (with other posters' comments to lend context), or just restarting some topics afresh.
  • OK, I've submitted the "Timeline Group" for approval. If that comes through, then I'll start re-posting the timeline. If it doesn't come through, then I'll sit and think about it for awhile until something else occurs to me.
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