The art was good through-out.
"Armistice Night" made me laugh out loud, which very few comics manage to do.
"The Hell Above Us" and "Private Parker Sees Thunder Lizards" were OK but weren't especially distinctive from any number of similar stories I've read. Possibly someone who hadn't read umpty-zillion old issues of House of Mystery and House of Secrets would get more out of these than I did.
Anyway, overall, I'm glad I looked at it, if only for "Armistice Night".
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Rob mentioned that there were going to be five of these. Was Our Army at War the first and this the second? Or did one or more slip by me? What are the others?
This is the second of five weekly issues. The next three are Our Fighting Forces (The Losers), GI Combat (Haunted Tank), and Star-Spangled War Stories (Mademoiselle Marie).