What I Would Like To See...

I would, one day, like to see the following:

1) A new, vital and innovative reimagining of Superman that really is new, vital and innovative.

2) A well-thought out Tarzan book that keeps him in the early 20th century with a good dose of fantasy.

3) A return to super-heroes that you would actually want to know, instead of some of the jerks we have now!

4) a weekly animated Harry Potter series with each season (or two) for each book.

5) Legion of Super-Heroes action figures (that are affordable).

6) Marvel/Disney finally buying the rights to ROM! (How hard can this be?)

7) Disney's Star Wars. It's going to happen eventually, y'know.

8) A LOST comic. Yes I am a geek!

9) a Batman/Iron Man movie team-up. Hey, it's my list!

10) "My" Superman telling "this" Superman to man up and be the hero that can inspire and encourage the people!

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  • Great list!  esp a Batman/Iron Man movie team-up, and reprinting good ol' Rom.


    3) A return to super-heroes that you would actually want to know, instead of some of the jerks we have now!


    I'm afraid this is problematic.  Like me, you are probably finding recent superhero comics to be full of fascistic, violence-prone nihilistic jerks, even the so-called heroes.


    The trouble is that superheroes are fundamentally people who solve problems through violence.  Thus the drift is always going to be towards fascistic, violence-prone etc. 


    They got away with it for years because the readership was young and didn't demand that the logical dynamic of the situation be addressed. Sean Connery once phrased that dynamic along the lines of:


    "He comes at you with a knife, you come at him with a gun..."


    And so it goes...

  • I like your list, especially No. 1, No. 3, No. 9 and No. 10. I thought the point of "One Year Later" after Infinite Crisis was that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were to take a year off, get their act together, and then come back ready to be the heroes they were supposed to be. But now we've got Superman on a walk across America to find himself that took him out of most of the Superman titles and is boring the readers to tears.


    As for me, I never thought I'd get to see The Final Fate of Sgt. Rock, but I wish it had been done as a special like the one that gave us The Final Fate of Jonah Hex.


    Other than that, I would like:


    1) That Justice League movie finally get off the ground. Disney/Marvel's got a serious plan in place to give us an Avengers movie, so Warner needs to get its act together!


    2) Likewise with a Wonder Woman movie.

  • Yes to 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9.  I love the cross-company movie team-up idea. 

    Also, yes to CK's #2.  It's about time for a Wonder Woman movie.


    I would add:


    11) Marvel working out the rights to Fu Manchu so that they can reprint Shang Chi.



  • When Lucas passes on, I guarantee that Disney will try to buy the Star Wars rights.

  • 1) That was All-Star Superman

  • 3) I think both Peter Parker and Dick Grayson are shown to be pretty great guys.

  • Now that you mention it, I do want to see an Essential Master of Kung Fu.


    As for a WW movie, I think it depends on how Green Lantern, The Flash and the Superman Returns sequel do.

    Chris Fluit said:

    Yes to 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9.  I love the cross-company movie team-up idea. 

    Also, yes to CK's #2.  It's about time for a Wonder Woman movie.


    I would add:


    11) Marvel working out the rights to Fu Manchu so that they can reprint Shang Chi.



  • Doc Beechler said:

    3) I think both Peter Parker and Dick Grayson are shown to be pretty great guys.

    And Richard Rider, and Steve Rogers, and Conner Kent, and Kara Zor-L and Kara Zor-El, and all Six of the Secret Six (YMMV), and Zatanna Zatara, and Anya Corazon, and Tim Drake, and Michael jon Carter, and all of the Hulks now that Jeff Parker is writing Hulk, and Kate Kane, and Terry McGuinness (SP?), and the Birds of Prey, and, and ALL OF THE GOD-DAMNED OTHERS.


    I'm about done with this board. The sheer negativity is too much. It feels like just about everything posted about super-hero comics on this board (with a few exceptions) is just complaining. about the same things over and over again. I've stopped reading most of the threads on this board because of it.


    You don't like Mucous Man now that he's gotten grim-n-gritty? Fine. Quit reading it, quit buying it, and quit bitching about it. There are dozens of other that you just might like more than any Mucous Man comic you ever read, even those great Mucous Man on Planet Phlegm comics you loved when you were a kid.


    Try something new, both in your comics, and your attitude.


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  • I tihk it's Terry McGinnis.

  • Also, Mucous Man hasn't been any good since the "Nostrildamus" storyline.

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