I figure, why not set up a thread for us to cheer the verious bits of news coming out of San Diego this weekend.

My first fave (and possibly the one to beat for the whole con): Astro City's been optioned as a movie, and Kurth Busiek gets first pass at the script!

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  • Cool!

    Also, I'm happy to hear that despite the Final Issue designation on some of the Johnny DC superhero books, the books aren't exactly canceled. Sounds like they'll be announcing a relaunch later in the con.
  • The Avengers is officially Joss Whedon's baby.
  • Doc Beechler said:
    The Avengers is officially Joss Whedon's baby.

    Good choice. His Wonde Woman is one of the all-time great superhero movies.

  • Doc Beechler said:
    I like the first Haunted Mansion film but have no problem with a new, more serious movie. The ride itself has its serious part and its fun part* so two films with different feels makes sense to me.
    *The creators of the ride disagreed on whether it should be serious haunting or spooky fun. The compromised by splitting the ride in two with the serious stuff first and wacky fun second. That way, people leave the ride with a smile on their faces.
  • A Burn Notice prequel telemovie, featuring Sam's last mission before he became a civilian in Miami.
  • Two new mini-series from Marvel: Power Man and Iron Fist and Rocket Racoon and Groot!

    (I'll admit to being much more excited about the latter, personally....)


  • Doc Beechler said:
    The Avengers is officially Joss Whedon's baby.

    Oh, I thought you were talking about the comic book! (I was excited there for a minute.)
  • You're not excited about the movie?
  • Oh. It didn't even occur to me. (I was thinking "comics.")

    Now that you mention it, though, a Joss Whedon Avengers movie might be worth watching.
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