
  • It's a double-edged sword. The only way STAR TREK goes back to TV is if the movies start tanking, but if the movies tank, why would they start a TV series?

    Of course, they could reboot/recast STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.

    Or keep the original cast and create STAR TREK: THE NEXT NEXT GENERATION!

  • I think in time, but probably not for a while.

  • I mean, if you had asked me as late as 2003, "We will ever see Doctor Who on TV, again?", I'd've said it was unlikely.

  • I'd be surprised if it wasn't revived as a TV series at some point. I wonder if anyone has considered doing another cartoon series using digital animation? I would think that would be less expensive than live action and animation is much more accepted today as general entertainment than it was when the original cartoon series ran in the Seventies.

  • Speaking of Star Trek on TV, the actress who played Kes on Voyager has really slid downhill. Not only is she living in Tennessee -- a sure sign of failure -- but she's had mulitple arrests. Her latest is for indecent exposure:

    Incidentally, did you know she was let go from Voyager to free up salary to hire the actress who played Seven of Nine? I read the recently when this story broke.

  • Wow, that's not good.    As I recall, the character of Kes - an alien who had a lifespan of only nine years - was an interesting idea that the show never really developed much.  Seven of Nine turned out to be a much more interesting character.

  • I would not have recognized her.

  • Yeah, she don't look healthy.

  • I'm guessing meth. It is Tennessee, after all.

  • One of the reasons Star Trek: The Next Generation was my personal favorite was the large cast, and the willingness to do smaller, more mundane stories. I liked the fact that every episode wasn't the end of the world or the end of the Enterprise. It made for a nice balance when those stories were told.

    I think if there's going to be a series, it really needs to take that approach. Maybe a series about the redshirts, or the various alien races might be cool. Perhaps even something focusing on Kes's race. Or an intergalactic flea market. Just something that isn't "Kirk romances and fights, Spock fixes the problem, Bones is useless and annoying" or Deus Ex-Machina Crusher saves the day again.

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