It's official. Much-delayed mega-sequel WONDER WOMAN 1984 will get its announced Christmas Day release - and will be released to HBO Max the same day! It will be a normal streaming release, not a premium one, as Milan was - and Warner's described plans for it to only be on Max for a month, after which it will continue to be available in theaters! Is this a little over -optimistic on Warner Brot era's part or might there be enough " mopping up " interest in it in theaters, especially considering the small number paying movie customers even at the best time?
Even on a normal Christmas Day, would.any theaters open for midnight shows? Presumably it'll open on Max at 12 midnight.
I think that pre-COVID, movie theaters did have midnight shows even at Christmas time for big movies. And people went.
I think the call to place Wonder Woman 1984 in both theaters and HBO Max is both optimistic and a Hail Mary. It's already a year and a half past its first release date and Warner Bros. didn't think it could keep it on the shelf indefinitely.
As for the Christmas Day release, well, some theaters in some areas are open, and some people will want to go see it.
When the Santa Cruz " b)ockbuster " movie house closed down early in 2020, a WW'84 poster was among the poster space up front. As was a BLACK WIDOW one.
When that (Regal) house temporarily opened up again, during which time I saw New Mutants there, they had a different in-advance Windy poster up. A different BW too I believe - are all indoor theaters in California now closed?
Right now, most of California's counties are in the Purple Tier of COVID, the most severe. Restaurants are back to take-out only and theaters are all closed.
Richard Willis said:
Not only that, the theater owners in California have been in constant litigation with the state, arguing that the restrictions on them are more severe than other types of gatherings, like, say, houses of worship. Today's ruling from the Nine Wise Men and Women on the nation's highest court doesn't help.