In previous years, this was a memory box so we didn't miss any good nominations for the Cappies. With the Cappies hypertimed away, that doesn't mean we have to discontinue these threads. I've always liked going back at the end of the year and seeing the books and stories and moments that people really champion -- including plenty of stuff that I've forgotten about come Christmastime. 

So have at it, Legionnaires! It's a bold new year! What in 2017 has knocked you out?

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    • Probably! I can't think of where else he'd be (aside from maybe an animated commercial for a K-Tel novelty record compilation!

  • 792CE3CCB5D6392D55237E12FCF28AB42B152592.jpeg

    This volume features and introduction by Tom Batiuk who relates the story of the 2022 Funky Winkerbean continuity in which Phil Holt, his Silver Age comic book artist character, tells the story of how he once auditioned to be Hal Foster's successor back in 1970. Wally Wood auditioned, Gray Morrow auditioned, John Cullen Murphy got it. I gained a new respect for John Cullen Murphy after reaging Gary Gianni's 2008 book The Prince Valiant Page (Flesk) about the rigorous audition process he (Gianni) had to go through to get the job. 


  • ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank:


    This 12.5" x 8.5" slipcased hardcover reprints all of the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank Superman stories (mostly from Action Comics #858-863, #866-870 and Superman: Secret Origin #1-6) in relase date order, plus a ton of extra features. My one quibble (and it is a slight quibble), is that the Secret Origin series should have been presented first rather than last, but I understand why they chose to do it that way. My way would have begun with the origin and ended with the death of Pa Kent, but that would have ended the volume on a down note. No matter; one can choose to read the stories in any order one wants to. In addition to the the revamped origin story, other stories include the return of the Legion of Super-Heroes (the "real" ones from Adventure Comics #247, not the "Zero Hour" or "Eat It, Grandpa!" version) and their version of Brainiac. 

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