General Comics Discussions (6680)
On what Bronze Age Earth was Batman dead?
I'm reading the Huntress backup in a 1982 issue of Wonder Woman and this is the scenario: Batman is dead, and the Huntress is Gotham's new protector. The intro points out that this is "a world different than our own", but never tells us which one. An
Read more…Opinions sought on these Spider-Man limited series
I've never read the following minis featuring Spidey, and in some cases I had never heard of them before. What did you think of any of these: ASM: Friends and Enemies Daredevil/Spider-Man Deadly Foes of SM Lethal Foes of SM Breakout Death and Destin
Read more…Thoughts while filling out Previews
Some of my thoughts while I was filling out my Previews (November ship month?) order form the other day
- Nothing for me to order from Dark Horse this time.
- I am proud of myself for sticking to my guns on Blackest Night and skipping the issues that
Warner Bros. restructures DC
Just saw it on CBR. It looks like Warner Bros. will try and jumpstart their film franchises...again. Taking a page from Marvel's book, a possible Superman/Batman film might be forthcoming?
Read more…Jack Kirby Batman!? Ten cool Kirby covers chosen by Bully...
Read more…That Marvel Noir Thread
This thread is intended to discuss Marvel's Noir line of comics. Go!
Read more…The Complete UK Captain Britain
Captain Britain Weekly #1-39;
Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain #231-253;
Hulk Comic #1, 3-30, 42-55, 57-63;
Marvel Super-Heroes #377-388;
The Daredevils #1-11;
The Mighty World of Marvel #7-16;
Captain Britain #1-14.
New Mutants Annual #2
X-Men Annual #1
The Torch #1-8 (2009)
There aren’t just too many Marvel Comics I enjoy these days, but there is a subset of Marvel Comics I find myself enjoying very much, namely the titles which re-examine Marvels Golden Age roots (The Marvels Project) and even bring Golden Age characte
Read more…The Marvels Project
- The opening sequence with Matt Hawk was very reminiscent of Wesley Dodds at the beginning of Kingdom Come. - Namor rising out of a wave to kill Nazis as if he were a force of nature was a very powerful image. - FDR knew about the Human Torch before
Read more…Best comics 2000-2009 Spurgeon is looking for suggestions of books he might have missed...
Read more…DC in December, 2009 Some really cool covers this month...Secret Six, World's Finest, the Holiday Special...
Read more…Grimjack: The Manx Cat- !@#$
Why did John Ostrander feel the need to include several of George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words in this comic? Now I have to move it to the Mature Readers section. Other than that, it was awesome!
Read more…DC Sci-Fi Graphics Novels
Reading the Shadow mini I saw this ad and remembered it from way back when:
Like I said I remember the ad, but I never read them, I never even saw them, and I don't know anyone who did. Did anyone here read these? If so, were they any good? How fa Read more…Moon Knight Saga
This was a freebie this week. For the most part these Marvel Sagas have been hit and miss. I liked this one though. I really knew nothing about Moon Knight. I think the only story I every read with him was Round Robin in Amazing Spider-man which was
Read more…Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby! Bully is doing a post an hour for 24 hours today! I had no idea that Jack had a cameo as a police sketch artist on an episode of the Bill Bixby Hulk television show! See it at Bully's site!
Read more…Characters That Outlive Elements of Their Origins
'Point's blog about the Black Widow got me to thinking about how since our heroes don't age normally, they often outlive elements of their origins, i.e., as the USSR recedes into the past, Natasha's past as a Soviet spy will doubtless recede with it.
Read more…X-Men Forever
I stopped reading the X-Men regularly quite some time ago. Then John Byrne began doing The Hidden Years and that became my one “go to” X-Men title for many months until Joe Quesada unceremoniously pulled the plug on it. Since then I read and enjoyed
Read more…Scott McCloud discovers the silent issue of GI Joe... This is a really nice bit of writing...
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